Research Director

Версия от 17:06, 25 февраля 2011; SofiaTaro (обсуждение | вклад) (перевод двух пунктов)

Research Director
  • All Medbay
  • All Toxins
  • Hydroponics
  • Bridge
  • RD's Office
  • Teleporter
  • Maintenance

Внимание! Для RD желательно хотя бы в общих чертах знать или лучше иметь опыт во всех областях исследований на станции.

Что мы имеем

На станции ваш офис находится рядом с Токсинами. У вас есть отдельное место, в котором в случае чего можете укрыться от пожара: просто сидите и наслаждайтесь открывающимся видом. Помните: на станции у вас две главные задачи: наблюдение за робототехникой и контроль целостности Искусственного Интелекта. берегите их как свою жизнь.

вы ничтожны!

Глава персонала имеет энерго пушку,броню и шлем. Старший инженер способен сделать в течении десяти секунд энергетические перчатки, а так же имеет доступ к огромному количеству головных уборов (каски,сварочные маски),а капитан вообще может взять все что взбредет ему в голову. С таким допуском вашим лучшим оружием является flash.Когда глава персонала покинет свой кабинет,вы можете пробраться в его офис через мостик и взять пистолет из его личного шкафчика. Конечно,офицер Бипски после этого будет пытаться арестовать вас, но по крайней мере вы теперь защищены от всех в темных очках. Так же, у вас будет полно времени посетить медбей: возьмите шприцемет и зарядите его хлорогидратом (химия вам в помощь). Теперь вы представляете реальную силу.

Директор исследований 101

Как директор исследований,ваша работа,как очевидно,заключается в исследовании. Вы имеете доступ ко всему научному. По прибытию на станцию не плохим ходом будет забрать ручной телепорт пока вас не опередил предатель. Если вы играете в этом раунде за предателя-можете расслабится и отдохнуть.

Если чувствуете, что вас окружают революционеры есть несколько вариантов: наблюдать за Токсинами, Наблюдать за медбеем, наблюдать за гидропоникой,ну или можете просто свернутся в комочек и плакать в своей постельке. Если вы попытаетесь сделать большее, чем один из предложенных вариантов,шанс того,что вас посадят сильно возрастет.

Mad Science

The research director, like all heads of staff, make extremely dangerous traitors just by virtue of their access and departmental loyalty. While your underlings are less likely to fall in line than security or a horde of clowns ordered to create chaos, a majority of the time they'll let you get away with truly wicked deeds just for the sake of SCIENCE!

Remember these words: chemistry, toxins, hydroponics and genetics. Chemistry offers you the wealth of all those delightful acids and foams, Toxins will grant you highly explosive substances, Botany grants you a plethora of poisons as well as nettles that stun on hit, and Genetics can make you an all-seeing, all-powerful, superhuman murderer.

You hold a lot of power, and at the same time, a decent amount of responsibility. It is easy to bring the Station to it’s knees, if you know what you’re doing. Great if you’re a traitor, dickish if you’re not.

Less useful but still dangerous, robotics is a hive of scum and villainy even when staffed by decent sorts. If a head of staff drags in a corpse and orders it to be borged or just takes out the brain himself, generally speaking no questions will be asked and the deed will swiftly be done. The corpse and/or brain of your victim can then be given to the chef who generally believes meat is meat.


Inside the display case in your office is a surgically modified facehugger. It can no longer kill and implant its embryos inside a host body, but it still feels the need to leap on anyone in reach. It's usually best kept in its case. With a chameleon projector, Lamar can be scanned to act as a fearsome disguise.

There's No I In Team

Your official responsibility is to ensure that nobody does anything they shouldn’t. This means making sure the Geneticists don’t turn the Captain into a monkey, that Roboticists don’t kidnap and borg the Clown, that the Botanists don’t start breeding deathnettles like candy, and that Toxins does not destroy the Station.

Do not try to stop Toxins from igniting itself; if they are stupid enough to set themselves on fire, no amount of shouting or threatening will stop them from doing so. As long as the fire is contained to Toxins, nobody gets hurt.

Nobody important, anyway.

In Case of Wizard, Assume Brace Position

When it comes to Nuclear or Wizard, you need to sit back and do your job as best you can without dying. Leave the fighting to Security, but never hesitate to stock up on acid in case of emergency. If you come face to face with the Wizard or a Syndicate, there’s no harm in ruining their day. Except for the harm of exploding just afterwards, usually.

Computer Maintenance And You

In the event of AI damage on an intellicard, there is a computer in your office which can be used to repair its systems. This is a long process, but it is still usually better than having no AI at all. In addition, it is possible to build a new AI from the circuit also found in your office. Using reinforced metal and glass, it is constructed just like any other computer up until the human brain is inserted. Keep the existence of the human component hush-hush! It's a trade secret! Please be aware that a freshly constructed comes with the generic three laws

MALFUNCTIONING AI – Why The RD Suddenly Matters

The Robotics Control in your office will be your main source of importance. As long as you are in your office and armed you should be fine and the station can breathe easy knowing that if the AI starts going rogue you can take out its workforce.

You should probably also get an AI Upload computer from Tech Storage and the reset circuit. Build this on the bridge where it can be safe and easily watched. If you can convince the Captain to retrieve a purge and Asimov circuit to place on the bridge as well, do so. An AI without the law loopholes that make him dangerous is no longer a dangerous AI.

Also remember that you are one of the few people on the station with teleporter room access, and likely one of the only two people with a hand teleporter. These facts mean you are essential to mounting an assault on the AI Satellite in case of a truly rogue and dangerous artificial intelligence. With a steady stream of thermite and bombs, accessing the satellite is also easiest when you're involved.

How To Tell A Traitor From A Disillusioned Doctor

Revolution is dangerous to the director. Medbay is, more often then not, a seething hive of dangerous communists seeking to take your head. Robotics is a prime target because of their flash supply and larger than normal access. Genetics is desired because of their cloning and genetic empowering capabilities. If there are odd people in Medbay and don’t seem to be injured, be wary! Ask them to leave. If they refuse, avoid them. Avoid Medbay entirely if you must. Message the Captain as covertly as you can and tell him to be wary. You probably shouldn’t go on a murder spree, but if there are a group of people who aren’t Med-Sci personnel hanging around inside Medbay, and not either asking to be borged, or for free powers, then chances are they’re probably after you, or somebody in Medbay. Feel free to discretely warn security or the AI to watch them, but you shouldn’t harm anyone on these suspicions.

AI Overpopulation: The Core Circuit And You

Whether to reduce the load on primary AI, circumvent AFKing players, increase your chances of survival during AI malfunction or just to increase information chaos, with this nifty AI Core circuit board found in your office you can make a second, working AI. You need the following components first: a screwdriver, a wrench, 4 sheets of reinforced metal, 2 sheets of reinforced glass, the circuit board, and, of course, a brain.

Make AI Core frame with metal, wrench it in a preferably secure place near an intercom (or a radio), add circuit, screwdrive, wires, brain, glass, screwdrive again. Voila! Now there's two working AIs on station! Two! Ah! Ah!

Assistant with Science

In the rare event that nothing bad is happening, and you aren’t going to die a horrible death, you can be of great help as an assistant with large amounts of access. Collect flashes and power cells for robotics, be a substitute for missing medical personnel, or assist with hydroponic's new bounty of hallucinogens and super-carrots.

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