Cyborg: различия между версиями

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Строка 134: Строка 134:
* Во взломанном варианте появляется лазер (работает на батарейках киборга);
* Во взломанном варианте появляется лазер (работает на батарейках киборга);
== И напоследок... ==
* Вы тратите меньше энергии, если у вас активно меньше модулей.
Cyborgs are vulnerable to certain clandestine devices, and may have illegal programs uploaded to them by such interactions. This type of re-programing is also present in clandestinely hacked AIs, and may viralry infect into related cyborgs. Finally, certain cyborgs may have been hacked personally by clandestine agents.
* Во время зарядки ваши ресурсы (металл, провода и т.д.) пополняются.
To subvert a cyborg, follow these steps:
*Swipe an ID or [[Emag]] to unlock the panel
*Crowbar the panel open
*[[Emag]] the interface
*Crowbar the panel closed again
*(Optional) Swipe an ID to lock the panel
This severs the AI sync and overrides the cyborg's Laws with the following set:
  0. Only [Name] and people he designates as being such are Syndicate Agents.
  1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
  2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.
What ever the case, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.
Keep in mind, CentCom robotics employees may attempt to experiment with a cyborgs internal wiring, please double check before detonating any cyborg acting independently by doing routine maintenance on their electrical systems. Also keep in mind that their laws may be changed by the same process as an [[AI]] by simply using the cyborg upload located opposite the AI upload.
If you do get emagged, you can't get blown by the AI, so feel free to walk into its chamber and bludgeon it to death with no risk involved. Useful if the syndicate agent in question doesn't have the resources to subvert the AI itself.
==Other Notes and tips==
* You have three item slots that behave much like hands. To load items into these slots, click the panel button and choose an item from the list. To select which item to use, click within the item button (NOT the image of the item). It will change from green to yellow to show it's been selected. To unload an item, click the storage button with an item selected.
* You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.
* Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.
* You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can only be stunned by a flash or EMP, which will overload your optical sensors.
* You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.
* You must follow the [[AI#Interpreting_Your_Laws|AI's laws]].
* You cannot pick up, use or equip with external items.
* You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the [[Research Director's Office]].
* You are considered directly subordinate to the [[AI]], if an AI is present and functional.
* Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a [[Communications Console]].
* Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
* Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
* You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.
* Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
* You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations on the [[AI Mini-Sat]], the [[Mech Bay]] or the [[Dormitories]].
* When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.  
* You are very tough, but slower than most of your human compatriots until you get a VTEC upgrade from the [[Roboticist]].
* Keep the AI updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.
* As borg, you can open a locker by clicking on it with an item activated. You cannot close it though.
* Engiborgs and Secborgs can survive being thrown into space: Engiborgs can RCD floors under them or lay down lattices and Secborgs can use the momentum from their ranged weapons to change directions (LIGHT HAS A FUCKTON OF MASS APPARENTLY).
* Flashed borgs can still use the door UI, running at an Engiborg that’s put itself behind two doors isn't a good idea.
* Borgs can trigger flashers by clicking on them. Handy for triggering the flash so you can pass by when a warden or someone sets them up poorly.
* Cyborgs can close doors extremely quickly by having something activated in one of your three slots. This closes it like you were a normal person with access who clicked it with their bare hands. Saves you opening up a window and then clicking 'Close door' and such. OR YOU COULD JUST SHIFT-CLICK THE DOOR FROM ANY DISTANCE LIKE A SMART BORG.
** All borgs can unlock themselves in the borg tab. You require a human to re-lock you, though.
** Engiborgs can crowbar themselves open and closed but they cannot weld themselves.
** Engiborgs can act as healers if other borgs act as tanks.
** The service borg's shaker does not work like a regular shaker anymore. It's a synthesizer now. This means it becomes substantially more complicated to mix incapacitating drinks for fighting anything.
** There is a camera in each borg that lets anyone - with access to camera console - see what you see, as long as you are on the same Z-level (not sure about mining z-level). I am not sure if this works when you are destroyed.
** For the love of god make sure that you have :b and not ;b on when talking about malf things.
* 1, 2, and 3 as a cyborg (in shortcut) turns on and off the current module.
* As a borg, and presumably as an alien larva as well (haven't tested this) you can remove buckles, cuffs, and so on simply by typing 'resist'. The fact a button isn't there doesn't mean the option isn't available.

Версия от 15:45, 29 октября 2015

Профессия Описание Сложность
Доступ: Полный

Подчинение: ИИ и экипажу (в зависимости от законов)

Обязанности: Выполнение своей работы без нарушения законов


“— Ты — всего лишь кусок кремния, — буркнул он, перевернув страницу. — А ты кусок углерода, — парировал робот. — С каких пор таблица Менделеева стала основанием для дискриминации?”
Бернард Беккетт, "Генезис 2075"

Киборги могут собраны роботехниками, они не могут брать предметы в руки, но могут свободно пользоваться всей электроникой на станции.

Железные друзья

Созданный киборг привязывается к одному из существующих ИИ самостоятельно (в случае если ИИ один - он привязывается к нему автоматически) и наследует его законы, которым он должен подчиняться. Законы можно посмотреть нажав Show Laws во вкладке Robot Commands. Если на станции нет ИИ, тогда киборг получит стандартный набор законов Азимова:

 1. Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинён вред.
 2. Робот должен повиноваться всем приказам, отданным человеком, кроме случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.
 3. Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому и Второму Законам.
  • Важное примечание к первому закону: Человечество и человек - разные понятия, так что не стоит рисковать определённо существующим персоналом станции ради мифического "человечества" (пример: блокировка шаттлов станции с почти полностью заражённым смертельным вирусом персоналом. ЦК сам может справится с заражением, а вот смерть людей (в случае, если вакцину невозможно изготовить) борг/ИИ допустить не может). Персонал станции определённо существует и (в основном) подходит под определение "человек", человечество же - растяжимое понятие и вред или пользу нанесённую ему борг или ИИ определить не может.
Ядро ИИ на старой версии Baystation 12

Каждый киборг может посмотреть текущее состояние электроники и систем станции при помощи команды Show Alerts.

Все киборги работают от батареи, максимальный запас которой — 7 500 единиц. Но можно установить и лучше. Текущий заряд показывается во вкладке Status. Перезарядка возможна в специальных камерах (recharging bay) в Роботике.

Существует шесть модификаций киборгов, одну из которых можно выбрать, первый раз нажав на кнопку panel. Повторное нажатие на эту кнопку позволит выбрать три модуля, которыми будет оснащён киборг (они появятся на UI слева внизу), используя модули вроде дубинки помните о ваших законах. Любой модуль можно удалить, выбрав его и нажав на Store.

Важно упомянуть, что создание киборга из мозга человека подавляет прошлую личность и он не будет помнить, что делал, если его вынуть. Мозг используется лишь как вычислительная мощность.

Модификации киборгов



Киборги стандартной модели созданы для простой помощи людям на станции. Включает в себя модули:

  • The flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Stun baton (дубинка);
  • The fire extinguisher (огнетушитель);
  • The wrench (гаечный ключ);
  • The crowbar (монтировка, полезна чтобы открывать обесточенные двери и помогать людям выбраться);
  • Health analyzer (анализатор здоровья, для того, чтобы знать — нести ли человека в медицинский отсек);
  • Energy sword (во взломанном варианте)



Киборги-шахтеры, созданные для помощи шахтерам. Модули:

  • The Flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Mining Drill (Алмазная дрель);
  • Mining Satchel (Мешок для руды);
  • Meson scanner (Мезонные очки, показывающие через стены).



Модификация, практически заменяющая инженеров на станции. Вам предложат выбрать один из трёх вариантов корпуса: Standard, Engineer и Engiseer. Все они отличаются лишь по этическим параметрам. Модули:

  • The flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Meson Vision (Мезонные очки, показывающие через стены).
  • The fire extinguisher (огнетушитель);
  • The screwdriver (отвёртка);
  • The weldingtool (сварочный аппарат);
  • The wrench (гаечный ключ);
  • The analyzer (сканер, анализирующий состояние атмосферы);
  • The flashlight (фонарь);
  • The rapid-construction-device (RCD, устройство, которое моментально строит и уничтожает стены, двери, полы);
  • T-ray scanner (сканер, отображающий проводку);
  • The crowbar (монтировка);
  • The wirecutters (кусачки для резки проводов);
  • The multitool (мультитул для пульсации проводов);
  • The metal (50 металлических листов);
  • The reinforced glass (50 листов укреплённого стекла);
  • The cable coil (кабель, 30 метров);
  • Во взломанном варианте присутствует Электро-рука (Работает как дубинка охраны);


Janitor Chryssalid

Киборг уборщик. Его задача — держать станцию в чистоте. Поставляется с двумя модификациями корпуса: Standard и Chryssalid. Модули:

  • The flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • The space cleaner (космический спрей для очистки чего угодно);
  • The mop (швабра);
  • The bucket (ведро, заполняется водой из Water tank'а).
  • Во взломанном варианте может разливать смазку. (Люди очень сильно скользят);


Medical Medical

Киборг, призванный для помощи медикам, либо заменяющий их. Включает в себя модули:

  • The flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Medical Hud(Мед. интерфейс, работает как Анализатор здоровья, но с расстояния)
  • Cyborg Hypospray(Работает как шприц, но лучше. Сам синтезирует спэйселин, трик и инапровалин)
  • The large reagent glass (большая колба)
  • Industrial Dropper (Пипетка)
  • Health analyzer (анализатор здоровья, для того, чтобы знать — нести ли человека в медицинский отсек);
  • The fire extinguisher (огнетушитель)


Service Service2 Brobot

Киборг, призванный веселить обитателей станции. Идёт в двух модификациях: Standard и Bro. Оснащён модулями:

  • The Flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Shaker (шейкер);
  • Industrial Dropper (пипетка);
  • Platter (поднос, в случае ИИ со сбоем может использоваться как грозное орудие);
  • Beer Synthesizer (пиво);
  • Zippo Lighter (зажигалка);
  • Rapid-Service-Fabricator (Производит: стаканы; сигареты; бумагу; ручки; кубики; пачки денег)
  • Pen (ручка).


Security Security

Киборги, которые чуть ли не полностью заменяют Службу Охраны. Включает в себя модули:

  • The flash (вспышка для ослепления людей);
  • Stun baton (дубинка);
  • Handcuffs (наручники);
  • The taser gun (оглушающий пистолет);
  • Security Hud
  • Во взломанном варианте появляется лазер (работает на батарейках киборга);


Cyborgs are vulnerable to certain clandestine devices, and may have illegal programs uploaded to them by such interactions. This type of re-programing is also present in clandestinely hacked AIs, and may viralry infect into related cyborgs. Finally, certain cyborgs may have been hacked personally by clandestine agents.

To subvert a cyborg, follow these steps:

  • Swipe an ID or Emag to unlock the panel
  • Crowbar the panel open
  • Emag the interface
  • Crowbar the panel closed again
  • (Optional) Swipe an ID to lock the panel

This severs the AI sync and overrides the cyborg's Laws with the following set:

  0. Only [Name] and people he designates as being such are Syndicate Agents.
  1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
  2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.

What ever the case, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.

Keep in mind, CentCom robotics employees may attempt to experiment with a cyborgs internal wiring, please double check before detonating any cyborg acting independently by doing routine maintenance on their electrical systems. Also keep in mind that their laws may be changed by the same process as an AI by simply using the cyborg upload located opposite the AI upload.

If you do get emagged, you can't get blown by the AI, so feel free to walk into its chamber and bludgeon it to death with no risk involved. Useful if the syndicate agent in question doesn't have the resources to subvert the AI itself.

Other Notes and tips

  • You have three item slots that behave much like hands. To load items into these slots, click the panel button and choose an item from the list. To select which item to use, click within the item button (NOT the image of the item). It will change from green to yellow to show it's been selected. To unload an item, click the storage button with an item selected.
  • You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.
  • Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.
  • You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can only be stunned by a flash or EMP, which will overload your optical sensors.
  • You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.
  • You must follow the AI's laws.
  • You cannot pick up, use or equip with external items.
  • You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the Research Director's Office.
  • You are considered directly subordinate to the AI, if an AI is present and functional.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a Communications Console.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
  • Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
  • You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.
  • Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
  • You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations on the AI Mini-Sat, the Mech Bay or the Dormitories.
  • When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.
  • You are very tough, but slower than most of your human compatriots until you get a VTEC upgrade from the Roboticist.
  • Keep the AI updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.
  • As borg, you can open a locker by clicking on it with an item activated. You cannot close it though.
  • Engiborgs and Secborgs can survive being thrown into space: Engiborgs can RCD floors under them or lay down lattices and Secborgs can use the momentum from their ranged weapons to change directions (LIGHT HAS A FUCKTON OF MASS APPARENTLY).
  • Flashed borgs can still use the door UI, running at an Engiborg that’s put itself behind two doors isn't a good idea.
  • Borgs can trigger flashers by clicking on them. Handy for triggering the flash so you can pass by when a warden or someone sets them up poorly.
  • Cyborgs can close doors extremely quickly by having something activated in one of your three slots. This closes it like you were a normal person with access who clicked it with their bare hands. Saves you opening up a window and then clicking 'Close door' and such. OR YOU COULD JUST SHIFT-CLICK THE DOOR FROM ANY DISTANCE LIKE A SMART BORG.
    • All borgs can unlock themselves in the borg tab. You require a human to re-lock you, though.
    • Engiborgs can crowbar themselves open and closed but they cannot weld themselves.
    • Engiborgs can act as healers if other borgs act as tanks.
    • The service borg's shaker does not work like a regular shaker anymore. It's a synthesizer now. This means it becomes substantially more complicated to mix incapacitating drinks for fighting anything.
    • There is a camera in each borg that lets anyone - with access to camera console - see what you see, as long as you are on the same Z-level (not sure about mining z-level). I am not sure if this works when you are destroyed.
    • For the love of god make sure that you have :b and not ;b on when talking about malf things.
  • 1, 2, and 3 as a cyborg (in shortcut) turns on and off the current module.
  • As a borg, and presumably as an alien larva as well (haven't tested this) you can remove buckles, cuffs, and so on simply by typing 'resist'. The fact a button isn't there doesn't mean the option isn't available.

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