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Комната Капитана

Говорит само за себя. Золотая VIP-карта с полным доступом, тотальное руководство командой, своя пушка и карманный телепорт. НИКОГДА, НИКОГДА НЕ БЕРИ ЭТУ ДОЛЖНОСТЬ ЕСЛИ ТЫ НЕ ЗНАЕШЬ ИГРУ НА УРОВНЕ РАЗРАБОТЧИКОВ Это твоя задача держать станцию в целостности и на плаву в море космоса. Unless you are needed otherwise, chill out on the bridge, monitor things, and talk as much as you can into the radio. Respond to any threats, keep in close contact with your security people. You are the main target of most traitors due to your All Access ID. The Captain has the armor and weaponry of a security person, but a huge target painted on him. Ideally, hire a bodyguard. Ideally, not the traitor.

Quick Guide

Приветствую вас Сэр иди Мадам.Если вы читаете это,то вы наверняка получили эту важную профессию и следовательно стали главой станции. Следущее руководство является обязательным для прочтения!

Угроза Синдиката

Вы-капитан. Ваша задача-следить за станцией,что означает бороться с нежелательными элементами,которые являются многочисленными и опасными

Предатели Синдиката

Предателем Синдиката может быть любой: будь то Глава Персонала(Head of Personnel),ассистент(Assistant),священник(Chaplain), предателем можете быть даже ВЫ! Если Вы - предатель,то украдите где-нибудь оружее ,и начните выполнять задание.

К моменту начала борьбы с предателями,имейти в виду,что ваш капитанский ID,сделает вас главной целью.

The Ins and Outs of EI NATH

If the Station is being attacked by a Wizard, the first thing that will generally occur will be the attempted or successful EI NATH of either the Captain in his Quarters, or the AI.

If the AI has been turned into a bloody mess (somehow), you’ve just lost a major AntiWizard Device. But do not despair! For you have guns!

Dispense weaponry to the Crew, and authorise production of AntiWizardry elements – deathnettles, stun gloves, the works. Organise a manhunt, and try to keep people calm and capable of shouting the Wizard’s location when he bursts onto the scene.

Remember, without his dress, the Wizard is powerless against your batons.

Атака Синдиката

В Nuclear раунде,капитна первым делом должен спрятать диск авторизации от ядерной бомбы. Для обеспечения безопасности, возле вас должен находиться Глава персонала(Head of Personal), или Детектив(Detective),а лучше оба,с тремальным сканером,чтоб они могли увидить врага использующего маскировку.Так же рекомендуется выдать всем персоналу оружее,т.к синдикат будет убивать все чтобы ослабить ваши силы

Революция - какого фига они востали?

Когда происходит революция,вы обязательно будите их целью,это не избежно. Единственные кому вы можете доверять это другие главы. Вы не должны перемещаться по станции в одиночку,возле вас всегда должен кто ни будь быть. Так же вы можете встроить в ИИ закон,который гласит что революционеры не люди(возможно революционеры попробуют сделать тоже самое) НЕ УБИВАЙТЕ РЕВОЛЮЦИОНЕРА! Сначало оглушите его,тогда возможно он станет лояльным членом персонала,однако если этого не произошло,то возможно это глава революции,его можно бить сколько душе угожно,даже если от него ничего не останется

Electrify! – When AI’s Attack

If the AI is rogue, first thing you have to do is grab some insulated gloves. Then a toolbox, preferably electrical. Proceed to disable all cameras, and cut all AI Control wires.

A Reset Module will not work on Traitor AIs or Malfunctioning AIs. Instead, grab an Intellicard, and breach their core. Download them, and then kill them.

In case of Rogue Cyborgs, hope to god the Roboticists built a Control (or the RD's CPU is still intact) and hope they detonating them. You have access to the Complete Destruction option, so only use that in case of malfunction or Traitor AI. If it’s just a law uploaded by some traitor/dick then do not destruct the Cyborgs.

Controlling the Crew

When you’re not fighting Revolutionaries, Traitors, Syndicates and Wizards, you are monitoring the crew.

You are the Judge, the final word, the Big Guy. If the Head of Security is having problems controlling Security, bitchslap those redshirts into submission and make them fall in line. If the Head of Personnel is fucking off to some unknown corner, you can either drag his ass back to his office, or just do his job for him. He does the same thing when you’re gone anyway. When the Scientists blow up half the Station, kick them in the nuts, and brig them for a bit.

Remember, you are the Head of Heads. Your job is to ensure that everybody isn’t being a dick, so for the love of god, don’t be a dick yourself. Keep Security in check, make sure the Detective isn’t trigger happy, keep the Head of Personnel from disappearing (chain him to the desk if you have to), stop the Director from going mad with power, but above all, keep yourself grounded.

Refitting the DOORKNOB – Uploading Laws Made Easy

Uploading Laws isn’t something you should be doing lightly… unless you’re a traitor. Then go crazy.

But remember the Hierarchy. Law 1 overrides Laws 2, 3, 4, etc. A Law 4 telling the AI to kill all Revolutionaries isn’t going to work. A Law 4 classifying Revolutionaries as Nonhuman and that they must be eliminated works much better.

Keep in mind that if the AI announces you are in their upload, uploading laws, people will likely form a lynch mob.

If you are a Traitor Captain and upload a OneHuman – tell the AI to act normal. Or people will start to suspect things.

Security Radio Channel

As the Captain, you gain access to an exclusive radio channel used for Security. Your headset is a special Security Headset which has a red stripe on it. To use it, simply type

  • say ":h Hello!"

This will not broadcast over the normal radio channel, but if you're standing next to someone, they can hear the SEC channel through your headset.

Helpful Advice

  • In your quarters, there is a disk on the table called "Nuclear Authentication Disk". Do not leave it there. In the Nuke gamemode it is the objective of the Syndicate operatives, and leaving it in its starting position will lead to a very short round indeed. Pick it up, and, optionally, give it to someone who's armed. Be aware that the operatives can use a pinpointer to locate the disk. Not hiding the disk, or spacing it/ making it irretrievable in any fashion will probably lead to you being jobbanned as captain in the very least.
  • The captain's Jumpsuit, Hand Tele and Antique Laser Gun are all possible traitor objectives. Be aware of this, but once again welding them all into a locker and ejecting them out the mass driver is considered unsportsmanlike and will not be well received by the admins.
  • If you lose your ID, there is a spare one in your quarters. You may want to move it somewhere more discreet, however, as it is the number one target for anyone with a space suit.
  • There is an energy gun in your closet, along with a better helmet. You will need both. There is also a phaser on your desk, but for optimal use increase the range and power a bit(set power too high and you start wasting it on damage, I recommend less than 30). This does not mean you can run around dual wielding them and shooting the HoP, then the security forces that ensure.

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