Shaft Miner
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![]() Шахтер |
Доступ: Mining Dock; Mining Station
Подчинение: Quartermaster Обязанности: Добыча ресурсов Guides: Guide to Mining |
Средне |
«От сносок, по-моему, больше вреда, чем пользы. Кто-то постоянно перебивает, чтобы рассказать тебе о том, что ты уже знаешь или что тебе сейчас знать не нужно».
Том Стоппард, «Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы»
Сотрудник! Добро пожаловать на астероид «Каллипсо № 17». Мы введём вас в курс дела.
Станция была построена около астероидного газового гиганта. Чего такого особенного в этом астероиде? Плазма, конечно же! И вы, отобранный как один из самых сильных и выносливых геологов - будете добывать ее. И не только! На астероиде множество ресурсов, которые не столь сильно оценены как плазма, но тоже нужны нашим ученым для успешной работы и окупаемости станции!
Ваш руководитель — начальник склада, но скорее всего он не будет указывать вам что делать, а, скорее, будет выступать связующим звеном между вами и теми, кто нуждается в ресурсах. Узнайте в чем нуждается в данный момент персонал станции, и вперед!
На вашем рабочем месте будут лишь запасные инструменты для работы по добыче. Но у нас никто не ворует, потому со смелостью можно пропустить эту комнату, и отправиться на ваше основное место работы — астероид! NanoTrasen не поскупилась на комфортный шаттл для перелетов.
Шахтерский городок
Ваша станция — чуть ли не полностью автономная. На ней есть все необходимое для отдыха после долгого и упорного труда на астероиде. Также на ней находится печь для переплавки руды, и машина для укомплектования ресурсов. Осмотрев свое новое пристанище — вы, скорее всего первым делом отправитесь на астероид. Это хорошо! Мы ценим трудолюбивых.
Узнайте у завхоза по каналу связи :u в чем нуждается в данный момент персонал станции, наденьте скафандр и вперед!
Для более подробного описания своих задач, вы можете пролистать специализированное руководство по шахтерскому делу.
Secrets of the Asteroid
While on the asteroid, you may come upon small boxed structures, usually made of plasma or reinforced walls. Dig in through openings, or use the blue toolbox in the hardsuit room to break down that wall and discover your prize! They could have items ranging from magical artifacts to alien facehuggers. A plasma wall doesn't necessarily mean an alien, always check. If you are at all unsure, always let your mining buddies know using :u before you tear down that wall.
You may randomly find a facehugger in one of the treasure rooms. Do not infect yourself with the facehugger. This makes the admins very cross. If you are an antagonist, or a responsible parent with a xeno baby den set up somewhere full of monkeys, you should consider yourself as having more leeway. Do not try to pick the Facehugger up. Construct a locker and put the hugger in the locker, dragging it back to the station. It'll leap at the vulnerable targets it sees once it's re-opened.
Some super useful Treasures you might find while mining include:
- A mysterious medibot. It is black , and heals significantly better than other types.
- A Grinder. The limits depend on your ability to use it yourself.
- Cultist Armor, Faster than the mining one but can't be upgraded. Also can get you arrested.
- Various spellbooks. Ranging smoke, knock and blind. In the hands of a good miner, can make a huge difference.
- An E-cutlass. Considered one of the rarest and most desired items from mining, An e-sword in all regards.
- Creature : The creature comes from the Cultist room, if you are a traitor , emagging the laz injector gives you a potent ally that's fast and lethal.
- Soul Stone : Useful for slaving people as a traitor, less useful to non antags.
- Sonic Jackhammer : Breaks walls. ALL OF THEM. Requires power though.
- Always go with at least 2 other people when mining. Not only can you mine faster together, the chance that they could both be 'lings/traitors is rather low. Pickaxe to the skull tends to put down most people.
- You can view the contents of a mining satchel as if it were a backpack.
- Durands only require uranium and silver, which are abundant. Gygaxes require diamond, which is very rare in most cases. So if you find just 5 diamond, to get yourself a diamond drill, and mine out shit tons of metal, uranium and silver, you can make it Durand station 13!
- Wish soup is made of 20 units of water and nothing else, but sometimes (~25% of the time) will actually be generated with nutriment you can actually get full on. Meaning it's one of the only things you can make once the donk pockets run out. It's also the only thing you can make on the DJ station at all without importing ingredients (provided you bring something to hold the water in).
- Ctrl-Z (with no hotkey-mode) or just Z (with hotkey-mode on) apparently cocks the combat/mining shotgun. No more clicking in between shots!
- When mining alone, it's better to take the resonator. The gun doesn't do as much damage, is harder to use, and requires that you be near your target constantly, increasing the risk that you'll be stunned, pulverized, and your body guarded so you won't get back into the game. With the resonator, you can stand four or five tiles away at all times, wait for the tentacle attack, dodge it, move in, place a field(or two, if you feel robust), and move back out with a low risk of harm, and no risk of being stunned.
- Minebots are great at distracting targets. You just walk near and bash them with your drill (targets, not bots). They can take quite a beating, but goliaths can take them down pretty quickly if you're not quick enough. Plus they collect all the crap gibtonite left.
- The Proto-kinetic Accelerator can destroy electrified grilles without needing a pair of insulated gloves.
- The Proto-kinetic Accelerator will obliterate a space carp in one hit while in space.
- Lazarus Injectors no longer make resurrected mobs hostile to other players, only other NPC mobs, and goliaths can't be dragged around once resurrected.
- The Head of Personnel will probably reward you with all access if you resurrect Ian. Also, sometimes the Research Director will reward you for a pet gold grub.
- If you're expecting trouble on the station, consider taking out a window on the mining shuttle before you return to make a quick getaway so you're not trapped like a rat in a cage.
- Taking stimulants before delivering materials to science will help keep you alive.
- The mining drone can be repaired with a welding tool, but not in the middle of a fight. A goliath will always win in a one on one fight with a mining drone.
- Life improving things:
- Mining rig upgrade : Goliath plates add +10% melee resist each time when applied to a rig, ideally if you're just mining you'd want to solely apply that to your chest piece. When maxed out you'll be able to fight a goliath without kiting and take minor damage. It is recommended to apply plates to the head instead if you plan to antag as players more often target your head. The plates will stack until they reach 80%. That makes your suit a space worthy riot suit.
- Security Jumpsuit : This gives a +10% melee resist to everywhere but your head. Nag the QM or HoP to give you one.
- Augmentations : Augs are VERY useful for miners, as healing with a welder is ultimately easier. Plus they work differently than armor when it comes to protection, instead reducing all brute damage taken by an augmented body part by 5 (4 for burn). Downside : EMP vulnerability.
- If these all 3 are combined you become close to immune to melee, only a ninja's energy blade is robust enough to even so much as scratch you, and blobs are utterly hopeless. However, guns are still a threat, and anybody can still surprise you with a stunprod and strip away your precious +4 rig. And be wary, the gods may not take kindly to your hubris.
- Proto Accelerators can be used as infinite tools to navigate space , since every time you fire, it'll throw you in the opposite direction.
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