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У адвоката самая неблагодарная работа по предоставлению помощи команде. Она включает защиту предателей, подачу судебных исков на службу безопасности, Синдикат, чужих и всех, кто, по его мнению, угрожает команде. Другие обязанности включают мелкии иски в отношении инженеров и ученых за нарушение норм обеспечения безопасности на рабочем месте и вызов медиков.

Файл:Law Office.jpg
Офис адвоката. Кофе, пончики, бездельники.


The Lawyer begins the round with a blue suit, black shoes, a backpack containing a Forensic Scanner, a briefcase, his PDA and the standard Radio Headset, Box and pen.


Remember that at least part of your job is to stop security adding unreasonable timers to people. If you're playing lawyer correctly then security should never be able to get away with breaking space law. Of course, you'll also require a Captain to appeal to when the Head of Security inevitably tells you to fuck off.

Whether or not your client is guilty or innocent is not a factor to you. You are often the only person on the whole station who will advocate for your client.

If you can convince the Head of Personnel then you might be able to get access to security, this greatly increases your powers

A security radio headset is an invaluable tool for a lawyer. Security often won't even mention catching people on the general channel and if you can overhear their private chat then you'll be much more capable of catching them out for foul play

You're a Space Lawyer, you should have books on space law, head to the library and run a couple off, these can be used to great dramatic effect including and not excluded to: -Hurling them at the Head of Security while screaming "OBJECTION" -Slamming them down on tables in the courtroom -Waving them at anyone who should happen to pass

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When advocating for your client, don't trust the evidence that the Detective has provided. As a member of security, he may have tampered or left out vital information to protect his fellow security members or to ensure that your client is behind bars. Use your forensics scanner to check every piece of evidence to make sure it all adds up and that nothing has been missed.

Телесные повреждения

Check your client for any physical injuries. Any ill treatment by the security team, especially if your client is in for non-violent crimes, can quickly lead to his or her release.


If wining is all that matters to you, throw those ethics books in the disposal. Lie, when necessary, fabricate evidence, intimidate witnesses. Just don't be too surprised if you end up in the cell next to your client.


Адвокат - профессия, которую сложно отыгрывать, если Вы хотите получить нечто большее чем Ассистент в голубом костюмчике. Если Вы в этом не заинтересованы - оставьте роль для тех, кому это интересно.

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