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1436 байт добавлено ,  02:08, 12 ноября 2016
Строка 263: Строка 263:  
* Камеры видят все 7 тайтлов. Иными словами, если ты не видишь камеру - камера не видит тебя. Иксрей камеры будут смотреть через стенки и притом неплохо. You can differentiate the curved protrusion on the side.  
* Камеры видят все 7 тайтлов. Иными словами, если ты не видишь камеру - камера не видит тебя. Иксрей камеры будут смотреть через стенки и притом неплохо. You can differentiate the curved protrusion on the side.  
* Having a bomb in your backpack and setting it off while in a sleeper, will blow up all the shut and the sleeper, but leaving you perfectly unharmed.
* Having a bomb in your backpack and setting it off while in a sleeper, will blow up all the shut and the sleeper, but leaving you perfectly unharmed.
* If you inject a good power cell with plasma, it'll explode and create a hole in space when it is used for anything.
* Если ты догадаешься шприцем накачать батарейку плазмой, то она при работе рванет и сделает приличную дырку в отсеке.
* Light switches can be used to sabotage a room if you inject plasma into the light bulbs. Also works if there is a power outage.
* Как и батарейка, накачанная плазмой лампочка рванет при работе, вызвав миниатюрный пожар в отсеке.
* An emagged Medibot will flat out murder anyone who stands still. Good combo with an emagged Beepsky.
* Емагнутый медбот будет колоть токсинами всех кого может. Комбо из медбота и бибского в силах перебить всю станцию.
* When you take something from your bag, or put something in it, it creates a message that everyone around you gets. How far this message goes depends on the size of your item. Here's a cheat sheet:
* When you take something from your bag, or put something in it, it creates a message that everyone around you gets. How far this message goes depends on the size of your item. Here's a cheat sheet:
**If the item can't be placed into a box, then when you put it in your bag it'll show to everyone that can see you.
**If the item can't be placed into a box, then when you put it in your bag it'll show to everyone that can see you.
**If the item can be placed into a box, then when you put it in your bag it'll only show to people who are directly next to you.
**If the item can be placed into a box, then when you put it in your bag it'll only show to people who are directly next to you.
**This also means that only the people next to you can see what you put into your box, as the box uses the same code as the bag. There are also a few exceptions, like the e-bow, that don't show any message at all.
**This also means that only the people next to you can see what you put into your box, as the box uses the same code as the bag. There are also a few exceptions, like the e-bow, that don't show any message at all.
* Fake Mustaches conceal your identity as well as a gas mask or helmet.  
* Поддельные усы скрывают лицо по механике так же, как это делал бы противогаз.  
* An agent card, which can be used to make you untrackable by the AI, can also scan other IDs to copy their access, producing no special message for spectators: you can do it pretty much anywhere in full view of everyone. Have fun standing in the HoP's line by queuing up behind someone with large amounts of access and copying that access on the diagonal while the ID is placed on the table. Also scanning two cards with an agent card give the agent card the permissions of both, you can create a ghetto captains ID with a few low level ID's you just find laying around.
* An agent card, which can be used to make you untrackable by the AI, can also scan other IDs to copy their access, producing no special message for spectators: you can do it pretty much anywhere in full view of everyone. Have fun standing in the HoP's line by queuing up behind someone with large amounts of access and copying that access on the diagonal while the ID is placed on the table. Also scanning two cards with an agent card give the agent card the permissions of both, you can create a ghetto captains ID with a few low level ID's you just find laying around.
* If you grab someone and use them on a open toilet, drownign them via swirly will take creativity however. If it is closed, it slams the affected person into the toilet seat.
* Если ты грабнул кого-либо и кликнул на туалет, то ты дашь ему отпить оттуда. Если крышка туалета закрыта, ты будешь просто хуярить его об туалет.
* The chameleon projector can be used to dodge shots, just run with it in your and spam it to have bolts go over you.
* Хамелеон-прожектор можно использовать для уворота от пуль
**A hilariously effective use of the cham projector is something slippery, like the clown's PDA or a banana peel. WILD CLOWN MATERIALIZES.
**A hilariously effective use of the cham projector is something slippery, like the clown's PDA or a banana peel. WILD CLOWN MATERIALIZES.
**You can't drag items that are people with cham projectors on, giving you a way to check an item without immediately sending the cloaker into a panic.
**You can't drag items that are people with cham projectors on, giving you a way to check an item without immediately sending the cloaker into a panic.
Строка 285: Строка 285:  
**Hiding as an item in a doorway will let the door close harmlessly on you, giving total concealment.
**Hiding as an item in a doorway will let the door close harmlessly on you, giving total concealment.
**Buy an uplink implant, if you get brigged buy a projector and inspire the wild goose chase of the century as you hide there. If sec is being meta shitlords they'll probably assume there's a cult about due to the lack of evidence of any escape route besides a straight up teleport.
**Buy an uplink implant, if you get brigged buy a projector and inspire the wild goose chase of the century as you hide there. If sec is being meta shitlords they'll probably assume there's a cult about due to the lack of evidence of any escape route besides a straight up teleport.
* Glass shards can be “prepared” to be 15 damage pocket-fitting weapons:
* Осколок стекла можно "заточить" что-бы сделать убойной вещичкой в кармане:
**Throw them against the wall. Each time you do it, there is a 20% chance the force will change to 15. Otherwise it will change to 4
**Throw them against the wall. Each time you do it, there is a 20% chance the force will change to 15. Otherwise it will change to 4
**Test it on yourself with a health analyzer until you notice yourself taking 15 damage.
**Test it on yourself with a health analyzer until you notice yourself taking 15 damage.
**Melee damage on the shard will not change if you don’t throw it.
**Melee damage on the shard will not change if you don’t throw it.
* No-Slip syndie shoes are the most cost effective thing you can possibly buy, and probably the most powerful thing you can purchase.
* Но-слип ботиночки скорее всего будут идеальным выбором для выполнения задания.
* You can change the timer on C4 to be extremely high, it tops out at 60000 seconds (1000 minutes = 16.7 hours). Scare the ba-jesus out of someone by planting irremovable C4 that will probably never detonate or hang a live explosive on your wall for a stylish conversation piece.
* Ты можешь выставить таймер на С4 на вполне приличное время, что-бы например выпустить сингулярность в определенное время, Лимит на таймере стоит на 600000 секунд (1000 минут = 16.7 часа).  
* The entirety of Disposals can easily be routed into space in certain maint areas, and you need only stun and drag people to a disposal bin to instantly kill them. Disposals can be a very potent weapon if used correctly, and there are plenty of correct ways. You just need to find them.
* The entirety of Disposals can easily be routed into space in certain maint areas, and you need only stun and drag people to a disposal bin to instantly kill them. Disposals can be a very potent weapon if used correctly, and there are plenty of correct ways. You just need to find them.
* Putting a tracking beacon in space makes the hand teleporter a instantly lethal weapon instead of a convenience.
* Закинутый tracking beacon в космос или в инсератор РНД позволяет использовать хандтеле как смертельное оружие.
* A banana peel slip is long enough to quickchoke someone.... not as devastating as it once was, but they'll be down for the count unless someone assists them.
* A banana peel slip is long enough to quickchoke someone.... not as devastating as it once was, but they'll be down for the count unless someone assists them.
* Targeting the eyes with a flashlight and attacking someone with it will cause their screen to flash white for a moment... This works on cyborgs as well, and can be used to blind and seriously inconvenience them if you don't have access to a flash and have someone to assist you in beating them to death.
* Targeting the eyes with a flashlight and attacking someone with it will cause their screen to flash white for a moment... This works on cyborgs as well, and can be used to blind and seriously inconvenience them if you don't have access to a flash and have someone to assist you in beating them to death.
* Lockers do not protect from space and atmosphere. So stun-locker-weld-space is a valid strategy.
* Шкафчики не защищают от низкого давления, но позволяют немного продержаться в пожаре. В случае если ты действительно хочешь что-бы жертву определенно не нашли, завари её в шкафчике и скинь в космос.
* When security is chasing you, occasionally do a 180° and sprint back past them. If they’re space lagging enough, they won’t see you run by. This is especially effective if you’re being chased by the dreaded security mob, mainly because such mobs have a pack mentality. If you manage to throw off one officer, chances are good someone will follow him as well. Also, unless they are right on your ass, close doors you go through and open doors you don’t. People will chase open doors if they lose a visual on you. Also, tasers can’t go through doors and you can’t open a door during its closing animation, which can give you another extra second to duck into a maintenance tunnel.
* When security is chasing you, occasionally do a 180° and sprint back past them. If they’re space lagging enough, they won’t see you run by. This is especially effective if you’re being chased by the dreaded security mob, mainly because such mobs have a pack mentality. If you manage to throw off one officer, chances are good someone will follow him as well. Also, unless they are right on your ass, close doors you go through and open doors you don’t. People will chase open doors if they lose a visual on you. Also, tasers can’t go through doors and you can’t open a door during its closing animation, which can give you another extra second to duck into a maintenance tunnel.
* There's an ID console near arrivals. If you get all-access when you really shouldn't, you should use this to make extra ID's to stash somewhere for when Sec inevitably takes your original ID.
* There's an ID console near arrivals. If you get all-access when you really shouldn't, you should use this to make extra ID's to stash somewhere for when Sec inevitably takes your original ID.
Строка 305: Строка 305:  
* You can always turn that Box of Spare IDs into a Box of Fake IDs, find a nice place in maint....
* You can always turn that Box of Spare IDs into a Box of Fake IDs, find a nice place in maint....
* If you ever need a place to hide something make a false wall to the balloons secret spot and put the stuff into that area to get later when the heat has died down. All you need to worry about is some-body wanting a balloon and finds a ton of weapons or something else instead. For extra points use the secret spot right by sec for the irony if they ever find out. ADDED: You can also use the little construction area next to security if you don't mind a little damage. Few people check there unless there happens to be a powersink/hidden comms console.
* If you ever need a place to hide something make a false wall to the balloons secret spot and put the stuff into that area to get later when the heat has died down. All you need to worry about is some-body wanting a balloon and finds a ton of weapons or something else instead. For extra points use the secret spot right by sec for the irony if they ever find out. ADDED: You can also use the little construction area next to security if you don't mind a little damage. Few people check there unless there happens to be a powersink/hidden comms console.
* NOBODY expects freedom implants.
* НИКТО не ожидает импланты свободы.
* You can delete your fingerprints from the security records. It's better to re-forge them or swap them with someone else's however.
* Ты можешь удалить свои отпечатки из датабазы щиткьюрити. Но лучше поменять отпечатки на чьи-нибудь или же просто переделать отпечатки.
* Nobody checks the lockers in the locker room. Like, ever. And you need a fairly high level of ID to open lockers that aren't already coded to a specific PDA, so no worries about Joe Schmoe Assistant running in and stealing your hand tele.
* Никто не проверяет шкафчики в ассистентской. Также. требуется высокий уровень доступа что-бы открыть шкафчик.
* Boxstation? Here's how to quickly and easily disable tcomms permanently (99% of the time) as a traitor, at the cost of four telecrystals: from in front of the Incinerator door, go 4 tiles south and slap a block of C4 to your right. Equip internals while you wait for it to go off. This will destroy the telecomms APC, which will depower comms. Nobody will be able to use headsets. With your internals on obviously, deconstruct/slap a second block of C4 on the hub in the middle of the room. If you didn't get tased and then lasered and dragged out onto a solar by an engineer who's packing, you will be able to enjoy your disabled comms and everyone walking around with constantly broadcasting station bounced radios in their pockets. ADDED: Destroying the hub does stop communication through headsets on the station. Do note that a competent engineer can still repair your damage.
* Boxstation? Here's how to quickly and easily disable tcomms permanently (99% of the time) as a traitor, at the cost of four telecrystals: from in front of the Incinerator door, go 4 tiles south and slap a block of C4 to your right. Equip internals while you wait for it to go off. This will destroy the telecomms APC, which will depower comms. Nobody will be able to use headsets. With your internals on obviously, deconstruct/slap a second block of C4 on the hub in the middle of the room. If you didn't get tased and then lasered and dragged out onto a solar by an engineer who's packing, you will be able to enjoy your disabled comms and everyone walking around with constantly broadcasting station bounced radios in their pockets. ADDED: Destroying the hub does stop communication through headsets on the station. Do note that a competent engineer can still repair your damage.
* How to get to the Captain’s Quarters through disposals: There is a disposals tunnel outside the mining dock. Just weld and then wrench the sorting pipe, then right-click it once it's free and click flip. With a bit of luck, it'll be facing the opposite way. Wrench and weld it. Any disposal "upstream" from that pipe will now take objects and people to the HoP's office. I like to break into the construction area above tcomms, because it has a disposal in-between the pipe you need to flip to get into the captain's office and the previous one we flipped. To get into the Captain's office, you need to crowbar the floor here below the teleporter, then weld, wrench and flip the pipe. When the arrow is pointing right, wrench and weld the pipe and lay the floor tile back over it. Any disposal "upstream" from there will take you to the captain's office. The rest will take you to the HoP's. The only question is, if there's no ID and no hand tele, how do you get out before security gets there?
* How to get to the Captain’s Quarters through disposals: There is a disposals tunnel outside the mining dock. Just weld and then wrench the sorting pipe, then right-click it once it's free and click flip. With a bit of luck, it'll be facing the opposite way. Wrench and weld it. Any disposal "upstream" from that pipe will now take objects and people to the HoP's office. I like to break into the construction area above tcomms, because it has a disposal in-between the pipe you need to flip to get into the captain's office and the previous one we flipped. To get into the Captain's office, you need to crowbar the floor here below the teleporter, then weld, wrench and flip the pipe. When the arrow is pointing right, wrench and weld the pipe and lay the floor tile back over it. Any disposal "upstream" from there will take you to the captain's office. The rest will take you to the HoP's. The only question is, if there's no ID and no hand tele, how do you get out before security gets there?
* Emagging a comms console with captain access allows you to contact the syndicate. If the Gods are feeling kind, you can Use this to demand new objectives, which they will often give you more telecrystals to help you do this.
* Емагнув консольку телекоммов можно связаться напрямую с синдикатом. Если сообщение не канет втуне, то ты можешь запросить еще заданий, получив еще дополнительных телекристаллов.
* E-swords and circular saws can be used to make sawn-offs. Eswords can also cut cakes, pizzas and light cigars.
* Есворды и циркулярки могут обрезать ружья. Есвордом также можно орудовать как скальпелем/ножом и закуривать сигареты.
* <strike>You can't get out of package wrapped lockers. I don't even know if you can resist out of them.</strike> [fixed]
* <strike>С помощью обертки и шкафа можно спрятать петуха в шкафчике, откуда он выбраться без чужой помощи не сможет.</strike> [fixed]
* Spaced bodies can husk, but it's not terribly quick. Burned bodies husk much better.
* Spaced bodies can husk, but it's not terribly quick. Burned bodies husk much better.
* You can free people from perma without using space. ADDED: If you go through brig maint, get through the window and grill near where they keep Sec's atmospheric canisters. Walk up near evidence, cut down the evidence R-wall, Go over to the wall that is behind the table in perma, make it into a hidden wall. Wrench the table and Tada! Sneak in and out of perma while only having to worry about the AI!
* You can free people from perma without using space. ADDED: If you go through brig maint, get through the window and grill near where they keep Sec's atmospheric canisters. Walk up near evidence, cut down the evidence R-wall, Go over to the wall that is behind the table in perma, make it into a hidden wall. Wrench the table and Tada! Sneak in and out of perma while only having to worry about the AI!
* The AI cannot examine anything except things it can see in its chamber. It can take pictures of you to see what's in your hand however.
* The AI cannot examine anything except things it can see in its chamber. It can take pictures of you to see what's in your hand however.
* You can uncuff yourself while in a disposal unit.
* Ты в силах снять наручники, торча в мусоропроводе.
* You can strip someone's pockets without a message appearing, if they don't move during it, otherwise they'll get a message that says their pockets are being touched.  
* You can strip someone's pockets without a message appearing, if they don't move during it, otherwise they'll get a message that says their pockets are being touched.  
* You can take out a combat mech with just an axe if you circle it well enough. Since they turn around slowly and must face you to fire, they can't do shit. The only issue is getting close enough. Also, if you intend to give someone a combat mech (not yourself) stick on a bunch of mech beacons and build yourself an exosuit computer. If they start to rampage, EMP all the beacons and ruin their mech. Then laugh at them and smash their face in real good.
* You can take out a combat mech with just an axe if you circle it well enough. Since they turn around slowly and must face you to fire, they can't do shit. The only issue is getting close enough. Also, if you intend to give someone a combat mech (not yourself) stick on a bunch of mech beacons and build yourself an exosuit computer. If they start to rampage, EMP all the beacons and ruin their mech. Then laugh at them and smash their face in real good.
Строка 327: Строка 327:  
* Borgs are always stunned by flashes, but the amount of time they're stunned varies.
* Borgs are always stunned by flashes, but the amount of time they're stunned varies.
* Grenades can be activated from backpack with mousetraps.
* Grenades can be activated from backpack with mousetraps.
* Suit Storage Units can hold any type of space suit, even hardsuits. You can hide bodies in them and nobody will ever think of checking there. You can even hack SSUs to burn somebody to a crisp.
* В Suit Storage Unit можно прятать тела и остальные вещи. Также, можно хакнуть SSUs что-бы обращать петухов в хасков.
* The nuke blocks projectiles.
* The nuke blocks projectiles.
* Black gloves are fireproof. That means you can take whatever lights you want without getting burned. They also half the damage you take from electric shocks.
* Черные перчатки защищают от ожогов и как следствие, ты получишь меньше дамага от удара током.
* Pulse rifles can actually break tables, racks, girders, and pretty much anything, provided you aim at it with your mouse. Except airlocks. But if you have a pulse rifle chances are airlocks won't matter for you.
* Pulse rifles can actually break tables, racks, girders, and pretty much anything, provided you aim at it with your mouse. Except airlocks. But if you have a pulse rifle chances are airlocks won't matter for you.
* You can accomplish most non-murder objectives by asking nicely.
* "Мирные" задания можно решить без насилия, чисто уболтав.
* EMPs silence headsets.
* ЕМП глушит наушники и радио.
* You can dip a cig in anything. Dip a cigar in plasma, the person who lights it will be gibbed (normal cigs won't do as much damage).
* Сигары имеют больше объема, как следствие сигара с плазмой гибнет закурившего.
* Reverse pickpocketing doesn't produce a message for people you try it on (unless it fails). You can reverse pickpocket minibombs onto people. You can start the timer on the minibomb after you start the pickpocket attempt but before it's actually placed. At point blank range, the minibomb gibs provided the target has no protection. Go forth and explode pants.
* Reverse pickpocketing doesn't produce a message for people you try it on (unless it fails). You can reverse pickpocket minibombs onto people. You can start the timer on the minibomb after you start the pickpocket attempt but before it's actually placed. At point blank range, the minibomb gibs provided the target has no protection. Go forth and explode pants.
* You can make an improvised explosive (IED) with basic materials. What you'll need:
* You can make an improvised explosive (IED) with basic materials. What you'll need:

