Guide to Security

Версия от 01:06, 30 января 2011; Voidwort (обсуждение | вклад) (Перевод в процессе, ручки держать подальше.)
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Добро пожаловать в службу безопасности, солдат! Вам посчастливилось оказаться одним из наиболее хорошо вооружённых и экипированных членов экипажа. А как выглядит Ваша форма! Ваши родители должны Вами гордиться.

Только не торопитесь. Прежде чем Вы схватите дубинку и начнёте раздавать тумаки налево и направо - внимательно прочитайте это руководство.


Иерархия службы безопасности.

Каждая группа рабочих на станции имеет назначенного ЦентКомом главу отдела. В Вашем случае это Глава Охраны. Его легко узнать по стильному чёрному бронированному пальто. Если он не идиот - это именно тот человек, который когда-нибудь спасёт Вам жизнь, вытащив Вас из когтей смерти и агентов Синдиката.

Ниже Главы Охраны есть три силы, различающихся по задачам и рангу, однако подчиняющихся Главе Охраны. Это:

  • Смотритель - Его работа заключается в контроле за бригом, заключёнными, тюремным шаттлом и выдачей оружия. Также, при необходимости (то есть в случае смерти), он может замещать Главу Охраны, координируя действия службы безопасности.
  • Детектив - его работа заключается в поиске и предоставлении улик, разговора со свидетелями, сканировании и анализировании отпечатков пальцев. Также является вспомогательной отпорной силой в военное время.
  • Офицеры, бдительные стражи порядка.

Подразумевается, что Вы будете также исполнять все не расходящиеся с законом приказы Капитана. Если Вы только не поймаете за нарушением Законов. Другие главы станции также требуют от Вас уважительно отношения, но не более - при нарушении закона следует применять стандартные протоколы задержания.

Стандартная процедура задержания

Итак, Вы увидели как совершается преступление или ответили на крик о помощи. Хорошая работа, офицер!

Если преступление относится к разряду опасных (нападение, убийство, нелегальное ношение оружия), сразу перейдите к следующей главе.

Если преступление не опасно:

  • Шаг 1: Поговорите. Да, верно, не начинайте пальбу. Это заставит даже невиновных бежать, оставляя у них паршивое впечатление об охране. Ваша работа как раз заключается в том, чтобы разобраться в произошедшем. Обычно полезно поначалу просто спросить. Нельзя бить дубинкой и заковывать в наручники не заслуживающих того людей. Сотрудники Nanotransen заслуживают большего! Если ситуация оборачивается опасной, вызовите подмогу и перейдите к следующей части.
  • Шаг 2: Разберитесь. Разберитесь в произошедшем, сделайте для себя вывод (возможно Вам стоит задать свидетелям и подозреваемому пару вопросов).
  • Шаг 3: Огласите обвинение. Фраза вроде "Вы помещаетесь под арест по статье о XXX, пожалуйста, не сопротивляйтесь аресту. У Вас есть право затребовать адвоката." отлично подойдёт. Главное - объяснить арестанту за что Вы помещаете его под стражу.

Если объект сопротивляется аресту, смотрите соответствующую часть ниже.

  • Шаг 4: Арест. Если Вы боитесь что обвиняемый сбежит - закуйте его в наручники. Скажите что это для его же безопасности и для безопасности всей станции. Затем сопроводите его в бриг. Что важно, не позволяйте никому повредить или отобрать Вашего арестанта. Вы можете использовать дубинку для его защиты.
  • Шаг 5: Бриг. Большинство преступников будут помещены под арест в бриг на определённое время, в то время как только отъявленные убийцы и опасные преступники будут отправляться на тюремную станцию!

First, set the prisoner's timer appropriately. Appropriate times can be found here: Space Law

 Keep in mind that the provided guide outdated in two ways:

1) Man hunt or chase: This is defined as when a prisoner runs from you at ANY point during the arrest or during brigging. The sentence should be adjusted as follows +3 Minutes for every five minutes the culprit is loose, roughly. Note that once this number reaches approximately the 15 minute mark, you are permitted to hold this prisoner to trial as a danger to the station with a possible long sentence on the Prison Station. 2)Major Crimes. All Major Crimes listed in the Space Law handbook are now to be resolved in the courtroom by trial! (see Step 5: Trial)

After setting the timer, take your prisoner into the cell and search his belongings thoroughly. Do not forget to search the internals box within his bag and his pockets. Any potentially incriminating evidence should be placed in the evidence locker. Search his PDA and read his messages for anything suspicious. Place all objects other than his jumpsuit and radio into the brig locker and lock it.

If you are interrogating the prisoner have either a tape recorder or another officer beside you! This is very important and should go without saying. It will be necessary if further prosecution is to follow that you have two witnesses to the statements of the prisoner. The Lawyer should also be permitted entrance at this time to advise the prisoner. However, if the sentence is for a minor crime, then it is not always appropriate for the Lawyer to be present.

NOTE: The Warden is in charge of the Brig and ultimately responsible for determining non-major brig sentencing.

If the criminal is accused of a Major Crime and will be put up for trial you have the following responsibilities: -Inform the HoS and Warden of the crime. -Gather evidence. Testimony. Witnesses. -Utilize the Detective to assist you in this. -Prepare the prisoner. Place him in handcuffs, an orange jumpsuit, and shackles. Bring him to the cell adjacent to the courtroom until the hearing begins. He is permitted counsel with his lawyer. Security personnel and Heads may also speak with the prisoner.

Step 5: (Optional) For major Crimes it is appropriate to hold a Trial. A well-written legal procedure can be found here. With some caveats: 1) /tg/ station trials are public 2) Our station's "forensic technicians" are Detectives and other involved security personnel.

Resisting Arrest So the criminal has decided to run. This may happen at any point in the process. It happens a lot. There is a lot of shady activity on Space Stations nowadays, believe you me. So what do you do? Well first, announce over the secure channel who it is and what they're accused of. You may have to chase your suspect. If you've managed to cuff him, your job will be made easier. Simply continue chasing until you successfully capture him or he manages to escape. Remind him that resisting the arrest will be added to his sentence when he is caught (See: Step 4 Brigging). And he WILL be caught. It's not like he can shape shift or some other nonsense.

If you see a fellow security officer chasing a criminal, help him! He's likely too concentrated on trying to catch the suspect to shout for help. For all intents and purposes the officer may be chasing one of these:


 I just caught someone beating a body! I don't know if it's dead or alive. Oh god there's blood everywhere! He's got a gun! A revolver! He's not the detective!

Step 1: Call for backup. Make it short and sweet. "NAME, LOCATION ,HELP!". Please remember to include the " LOCATION!" This is the most essential component. Step 2: If lives are in danger, you are not permitted to immediately use non-lethal means to control the situation. Your first priority is safety. If the accused is standing over a body gasping for breath, your first duty is to rescue the crewman! Begin CPR and shout for medical help. Drag him to medbay or genetics if he's already dead. Don't drag him to the roboticist except under the most dire cases (e.g. No geneticist) or a dying request by the man you are dragging. Ideally, you'll be able to stun, cuff, and restrain the murderer and hold position until backup arrives. Step 3: Proceed with the standard arrest protocol described above. Use this time to inform the accused of his crime. If this is indeed a dangerous crime, and only a dangerous crime, you are permitted to use your stun baton to keep your prisoner stunned while you take him to medbay. This requires EXPERT discretion. ONLY use this if you believe that his running loose could endanger the station!


Help! Some guy just showed up in a cloud of smoke, purple fire, and EI NATH! He's so foreign and strange! What do I do? Step 1: You have encountered a rare creature known as a "Wizard". Little is known about them other than they are capable of destruction simply by uttering a word, are incredibly difficult to apprehend, and must never be approached within touching distance unless they are, in fact, unconscious. Step 2: Inform the crew! Shout, "Wizard (LOCATION)!" Use any force deemed necessary to stop the wizard and protect the crew around you! These things are not to be trifled with! Step 3: Wait... you.. lived past step 2? Congratulations! Well then inform the HoS and Warden of the situation. At this point it is proper procedure for the security staff to be armed with lethal weaponry including energy guns and lasers. A wizard should be engaged from a distance if at all possible and there are reports that non-lethal forms of incapacitation are ineffective at disabling the wizard. In other words: set from stun to kill.

NOTE: If a Wizard is spotted, please remind all crewmen that you see to shout its location. Additionally, it is the station that works together that survives. The Captain may wisely decide to arm his crew. Our differences must be set aside. Petty crimes and greifing only help the wizard succeed in his goal of turning us all into organic soup. If you manage to knock a wizard unconscious, you may consider quickly stripping his possessions off of him and arresting him. Holding a Wizard on trial has only been done a few times every century and are legendary events! Make sure to empty his pockets!


Red Space suits! Revolvers! Oh God, the power's out! The captain is dead!

Step 1: Those dirty, dirty thieving syndicates want our glorious plasma and Pete. This is not the first time one of our stations has been invaded and some of those who reported said invasions were quickly obliterated in massive fission explosions. Expect no quarter from these fiends and grant no quarter in return. If you find someone with a Syndicate Designation (e.g. Waffle Co. Operative #4) you are fully authorized to skip the Standard Operating Procedure and use lethal force. Step 2 (optional): Institute a no-mask policy station wide. This requires authorization from the highest living station authority . Treat those who wear masks as non-dangerous criminals. Ask them to remove the mask politely. If they refuse or flee, consider them dangerous. If this policy is in effect, nobody, not even yourself nor the glorious Captain is exempt!



What's this I hear? Viva la What?

  • Step 1: So you've caught a crew member indiscriminately using a hand flasher on his fellow crewmates? What's this? They don't seem to mind? In fact... they seem to want to HELP this suspect throw you on to a table and tear you apart?

A Revolution is dangerous and likely will be one of the more active scenarios that Stations have encountered. Consult your HoS for guidance. It will be your duty to keep the station heads alive and well. Follow their instruction. Consider escorting them.

  • Step 2: Remember those trusty sunglasses? Well, they have the added benefit of preventing infection from this communist brainwashing scum! Actually, it's postulated that, as Security, our brains are far too robust to be fooled by the propaganda in the first place! Keep this in mind. Since, if a revolution is foot, everyone is to be treated with suspicion.
  • Step 3: Be careful who you arrest! Just because everyone is treated with suspicion, doesn't mean you arrest the geneticist for cloning a body!


  • Step 4: Beat the stupid out of them. So you've caught what you think is a revolutionary? It's time to override another S.O.P. With the prisoner restrained and medkit on hand, you may proceed to beat your prisoner. This is important. The prisoner must learn his lesson. Eventually he'll cry out for the glorious mercy of Cthulu or whatever station God you follow and renounce his revolutionary intent. Patch him up and ask him for names. The best way to stop the Cuban Revolution would have been to kill Castro as well as Che, get my drift? It's important that you find and have your Heads determine if they are Revolutionary Leaders before executing them.


"[149.9] Jackson Bob shouts, "Changeling!"

Step 1) It's still unconfirmed if these beings even exist. Consult the library literature if an accusation is made.

Key Locations

Arrival Checkpoint: On quiet station deployments, or when there's an abundance of security, it's nice to have an officer patrol around the area and station himself in the lovely checkpoint in order to assess ID status of new arrivals. In times of crisis, it may be appropriate for security to use the region as a secure checkpoint.

The Brig: The Warden runs this. It is appropriate, in minor crimes, to simply inform the warden of the crime and turn him over for imprisoning so that you can return to patrolling the station. Only special personnel should ever be in the brig.

Security Office: Your home base. You can set arrests, see cameras, and access the Warden's desk for special equipment requests. Within the office is the HoS's room.

 PROTIP: Set Beepsky on them! Beepsky is all but forgotten until you hear his cold, cruel voice shout out to you. Beepsky models have been documented to capture even the most hardened criminals where security fails.

A word on Security robots though. While beepsky's rudimentary AI can be accessed from security computers, Securitron Cyborgs are not within the normal chain of command. They are subject the AI and follow the same laws.

The Escape Shuttle (and summary)

So the escape shuttle has been called! Time to go cash in your hard earned pay checks on cheap manly dorf and easy women. Your job will be to ensure that everyone proceeds on the shuttle in an orderly fashion. No foul play. Any dangerous behavior should be treated as such! Prisoners in the brig should only be released at the Warden's discretion. It is typically advised that the prisoners be kept under lock and key until the shuttle departs. CentCom will send a second shuttle to retrieve the criminals later.

I hope this helps. Some major key points are: -Ask first, stun second -Only stun when necessary and with some evidence to back up your arrest. -The prison station should be only rarely used! -Your job isn't to be a tyrant and your best intentions will have your suspects praying to the Gods (read: Admins) for help. Make sure you follow standard protocol so that the Gods smile down upon you.