Guide to Virology/vg

Материал из Chaotic Onyx
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Данная статья актуальна только для /vg/station13.

Работа вирусолога состоит в том, чтобы разгуливать тут и там с опасным вирусом и целенаправленно случайно упускать его и быстро находить лекарство, в страхе быть линчеванным толпой. Точнее, ваша работа заключается в том, чтобы проводить опыты на изолированных и изучать симптомы недугов. В случае появления вируса на станции, именно вы ответственны за разработку вакцины.

"Мне вообще плевать на них, я просто хочу вылечить эту болезнь!"

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Вирусология 101

Ваш рабочий отсек

Самый простой способ избежать заражения при работе с вирусом - это иметь при себе соответствующее снаряжение (см. ниже) и соблюдать некоторые инструкции.

Список предметов, которые помогут вам не заразиться космической заразой:

  • Level-3 Bio Hood and Bio Suit.
  • Медицинский халат.
  • Лицевая маска.
  • Резиновые перчати.
  • Белые ботинки.
  • Личная территория с циркулируемой воздушной системой. Вирусология имеет такую во встроенном виде. Чистый воздух поступает из канистр, зараженный отправляется в космос.

Если вы посетитель вирусологии, но не хотите стать подопытным, то следуйте следующей инструкции:

  • Для дыхания внутри вирусологии, используйте маску и баллон с воздухом.
  • Имейте при себе перчатки и костюм, закрывающий всё тело (скафандр подходит как нельзя лучше).
  • Не колите в себя, и не давайте другим колоть, всякую дрянь из этого помещения.

Если вы, или любой другой член экипажа, подхватили заразу, то ни в коем случае не дайте ей распространиться. Наладьте поступление воздуха в маску, постарайтесь не вступать в прямой контакт с зараженным и проводите его в вирусологию, прямиком в изолятор.

Очистка поверхностей от крови - верный путь не дать идиотам, заходящим в вашу лабораторию без нужной защиты, не заразиться новым вирусом. Впрочем, всегда можно позвать уборщика, если вы ленивый, но у вас есть бутылка с чистящим средством, так используйте ее.

Слюна и сопли также могут напрямую распространять инфекции, наряду с блевотиной. Не забудьте и их убрать тоже.

Методы заражения

Болезни имеют три пути распространения, запомните их :

  • Воздушный : Самый опасный способ распространения. Нахождение рядом с заразным членом экипажа без должной защиты и маски в большинстве случаев приведет вас к заражению. К тому же, вирус передастся при прямом контакте. Если изоляция не соблюдается, прогресс болезни будет расти быстро. Большинство недугов, передающихся таким путем, так же имеют симптомы вроде чихания или тошноты.
  • Прямой контакт : Вирусы такого типа распространяются через касание или смешение крови. Перчатки и ботинки защитят вас от заражения через прикосновение или если вы наступите в заразную жидкость, однако, всегда лучше иметь полный биологический костюм (читай Level-3 Bio Hood and Bio Suit).
  • Прямое заражение : Может передаваться только через кровь. Все болезни могут передаваться таким образом, а это значит, что этот тип является самым наименее заразным.

Болезни и Ты

Твоя работа, как вирусолога, заключается в том, чтобы, помимо слежения за тем, чтобы очередной вирус не выкосил станцию, проводить исследования, дабы узнать природу вирусов или создать новый. Плюс ко всему, вы можете создавать мощное биологическое оружие, путем сплетения разных симптомов воедино. Только не сходите с ума, инфецирование всего экипажа смертельным вирусом повлечет за собой последствия. Серьезно, лучше не делайте этого, если вы не трейтор.


Вирусология содержит несколько машин и различные приборы для быстрых и эффективных исследований. Они довольно просты в использовании, но трудны в освоении.

  • Isolation Centrifuge : Эта машина обрабатывает колбы, наполненные кровью, и в зависимости от их содержания, будет вырабатывать антитела для возбудителей вируса. Она автоматически распознает и отделит их. Чтобы получить образец вируса, просто используйте инфецированую кровь. Чтобы получить антитела, отделите кровь, содержащую оные.
  • Pathogenic Incubator : This machine will grow virus dishes using virus food and the ideal growth medium it provides when on. To obtain virus food (basically diluted milk), use a beaker on the Virus Food Dispenser on a wall nearby or ask the Chemist or Chef for more (it's basically Milk and Water). When your sample is fully grown, it will warn you with a ping. You can also radiate your growth medium to mutate your virus' symptoms, the machine will beep when it happens. Finally, you can breed your virus into any liquid using a beaker of said liquid and a virus sample.
  • Disease Analyzer : Grown viruses can be analyzed here, giving you a piece of paper detailing their symptoms and marking the dish with them. It will then be ready for use by the Disease Splicer and be automatically added to the Medical Database, making it fully compatible with Medical HUDs and Health Analyzers
  • Disease Splicer : Each virus has four GNA strands corresponding to the symptoms it causes. The longer it stays in one's body without Spaceacilin the more symptoms appear in descending order. The Disease Splicer can isolate strands (this breaks the virus dish, so be careful) and then copy them to disks, and later apply them to any virus dish using the disk's buffer system.
  • Virus Food Dispenser : Contains 1000 units of Virus Food to get you started. Remember to set output to 100 to fill your beaker in one go.
  • Maintenance Storage : Obviously not a machine, but on the left of Virology is a small Maintenance Room you have access to. It notably contains air tanks used to re-pressurize Virology in case of air loss, a spare Oxygen and Nitrogen canister and a beaker box and hand labeler.

How to actually Research

Your job is to isolate virus strands, create new diseases, engineer cures and keep the station healthy. This little guide will get you started.

  • Get a beaker from Maintenance Storage, fill it using the Virus Food Dispenser (remember to set output to 100). Put it into the Pathogenic Incubator and wait until it released all its contents. The machine will store all of it and you can simply fill it to the brim with Virus Food if you are lazy. Just remember to never flush the machine, else it will all be removed.
  • Take one of your three starting virus dishes and put them in the Pathogenic Incubator. It's a good idea to immediately set radiation levels to 50-ish. It'll save you a lot of time. Try to not set it any higher so that you can grow viruses without mutating them if needed.
  • Remove the empty Virus Food beaker. Use a clean syringe to take 15 units of blood from yourself, put them in the beaker. Breed the Virus Dish in the beaker, then transfer it into a vial.
  • Put the vial of blood into the Isolation Centrifuge, choose to isolate the strain, let it work for now.
  • Toggle the Pathogenic Incubator on. Let it work until you hear a ping. In case you hear a beep, your virus has mutated a new symptom, which is not important currently.
  • Remove the Virus Dish and put it into the Disease Analyzer. The Isolation Centrifuge should be done by now, so re-isolate the strain again and grow the new Virus Dish again. Do not replace the blood in the Isolation Centrifuge, it's not needed.
  • Your Virus Dish will become a Virus Sample and you will get a sheet of paper detailing many statistics about your disease. Most importantly, it'll tell you what vector of contagion it uses, and what are its symptoms.
  • Put the Virus Sample into the Disease Splicer, choose an interesting GNA strand (symptom) and splice it. The Disease Splicer will process and your dish will be destroyed
  • Once you hear a beep, burn the GNA strand to a data disk. If you don't do that, you will have no physical trace of your symptom and the next spliced GNA strand will override it. It will create a characteristic zing once done. Reserve a 2x2 square on the floor to store your data disks.
  • Your two other virus dishes can be used as a backup in case something goes horribly wrong, or grown, analyzed and directly spliced if they bear interesting symptoms. Your choice.
  • Repeat until the Captain stubs his toe and the shuttle is called. Or until you are too successful and end up lynched.

If you somehow fuck up and run out of virus dishes, ask Cargo for a Virus Crate and never get it because someone will steal it or it will never be authorized. If you run out of Virus Food, ask the Chef for Milk and dilute it using a sink or simply order a food crate to use the bottle of Milk.


From time to time, diseases will suddenly affect the station, or you might just be behind it all. It is important you carefully isolate all least one sick person in the Patient Rooms inside Virology for further experimentation and follow these steps :

  • From the time the infection is noticed to the time it is cured, your patients must be completely isolated from any non-protected personnel and constantly fed Spaceacilin (use the medicine dispensers in Medbay). Note however that giving everyone Spaceacilin isn't your job, tell the Chemists and Medical Doctors to do it.
  • Since the above step is nigh-impossible during most shifts simply scream on Common that there's a virus spreading. Since it doesn't matter for now, just say it's "Gibbingtons". You should soon get an infected subject for curing and should trigger enough panic and fear to ensure infected people will isolate themselves.
  • Take a blood sample from the infected individual, put it in a vial and process it through. Tell your patient to lay down in a Patient Room and analyze him from time to time to make sure his status isn't degrading
  • Once this is done, drag a monkey to an empty Patient Room and inject him with five units of infected blood. Let him wait it out for a little bit and ensure he's actually sick (moody green face instead of a red cross on Medical HUDs)
  • Grow the virus you have created. This might be extremely inconvenient if your Pathogenic Incubator is extremely irradiated in which case you should likely focus on the actual curing and skip two steps ahead.
  • Analyze the virus you have now obtained to know just how much you should panic. Gibbingtons, Monkism and Kingston's Syndrome are cause for extreme worry especially if the virus itself is Airborne.
  • Acquire Radium from Chemistry and inject your monkey with five units of it. Wait about 10 seconds and use the Antibody Scanner on him (one starts on the Virology Work Desk). If there's no antibodies, inject five units again. Continue until the Antibody Scanner picks up something and he gets massive Toxin Damage, then use an empty syringe to isolate his blood.
  • Fill a new vial with the blood, remove the old one via from the Isolation Centrifuge and stick your sample in. You should now be able to isolate antibodies, do so immediately.
  • A vial of pure antibodies colored deep blue will be produced. Start producing more and then put ten units of it in a beaker before filling it to the brim at a sink. You now have ten shots of antibodies directly available with one unit of Pure Antibodies (this is largely enough) and four units of Water per syringe use
  • Stick yourself, your patient and if he's alive your monkey with the antibodies. Lead your patient outside and wait for a second sample of pure antibodies to be ready. Using the method you were given, produce 3 beakers of diluted antibodies and distribute them to Medbay. It's their problem now, you have research to do.

Congratulations, you're just earned yourself a pass at not getting lynched ! Now is high time to continue your research while idiots hide away in Maintenance and screech about there being no cure.

Big Bad Symptoms

Symptom Strand Effect
Gibbingtons Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to suddenly get massive damage before exploding in a shower of infectious gibs. Usually causes shuttle calls and mass panic and is the most effective way to intentionally depopulate space stations
Radian's Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to incur constant and exponentially increasing radiation and thus toxin damage. While it can ironically cure the disease by acting like Radium it tends to be dangerous still, especially since irradiated people can spread their radiation.
Dead Ear Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to become permanently deaf. Rather clement but still extremely debilitating
Monkism Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to suddenly and terminally turn into a monkey. While Genetics can fix the damage with a bit of skill it will cause chaos and is also a shuttle caller.
Kingston Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to suddenly turn into a catbeast (Tajaran). Usually causes mass lynchings and job terminations, along with shuttle calls.
Suicidal Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to repeatedly attempt suicide. This cannot be stopped by restraints but can be usually solved with Dexalin Plus or Cryo Chambers. It can lead to special suicides depending on held objects and will re-occur until cured.
Toxification Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to incur sudden and extreme toxin damage, usually leading to death. Unlike Radium and Radian's Syndrome, it simply does not cure itself.
Reverse Pattern Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to experience extreme rises in body temperature and random scrambling of their genetic code. Can lead to dangerous mutations.
Shutdown Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to experience mass organ failure over time accompanied by toxin damage. Deadly if uncured and usually disables all limbs, causing immobility and helplessness.
Longevity Syndrome 1 Causes the infected to experience flash aging, making their limbs and organs slowly break down along with actively increasing their physical age.
Fragile Bones Syndrome 1 Causes the infected's bones to actively damage and break, most likely causing slight invalidity and extreme pain. Milk can mitigate the effects until cured.
Spontaneous Cellular Collapse 1 Causes the infected's cells to synthesize polytrinic acid, causing massive internal damage and serious damage to body integrity.
Necrosis 1 Causes the infected's skin and muscular mass to die, causing either meaty structure or limbs and internal organs to fall off, most likely causing massive damage.
Fizzle Effect 1 Causes the infected to clear his throat and sniffle uncontrollably. Usually one of the best symptoms for a beneficial disease's last stage.
Arachnogenesis Effect 1 Causes the infected to vomit up live spiderlings which will eventually grow into adult spiders. Usually leads to spiders mobbing from all places as the infected scatter.
Biolobulin Effect 1 Causes the infected to grow a clown mask and synthetize viral version of snap pops which will then randomly explode. Can be extremely irritating and cause unwanted damage, along with thoroughly scaring the infected and anyone around him.
Toxin Sublimation 1 Causes the infected to synthesize pure plasma that will then be released via exhalation or sweating. Extremely dangerous for the infected and surrounding personnel, especially in confined spaces or near sources of sparks and heat.
Hyperacidity Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to develop severe toxin damage, can worsen the infected's condition rapidly.
World Shaking Syndrome 2 Causes the infected's vision to spasm and shake uncontrollably, making it increasingly difficult to interact with the world around him.
Telepathy Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to develop Telepathy abilities allowing him to remotely project his voice into other people's minds. Beneficial.
Lazy Mind Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to rapidly develop physical brain damage and serious mental retardation, making it extremely difficult to communicate and use most of the equipment on the station.
Hallucinational Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to be drawn into a vivid hallucinatory state, putting fellow crewmen and the infected at risk due to potential reactions to said hallucinations and confusing brought by them.
Hard of Hearing Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to have serious hearing trouble, most likely devolving into deafness as time goes on.
Uncontrolled Laughter Effect 2 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably giggle, potentially impairing communication.
Topographical Cretinism 2 Causes the infected to develop extreme confusion and dizziness, scrambling their movement among a few things and impairing their interactions with the surrounding world.
DNA Degradation 2 Causes the infected to incur steady clone damage that can only be fixed via usage of a Cryo Cell outfitted with the correct reagents.
Groaning Syndrome 2 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably groan, potentially impairing communication.
Hyper-perspiration Effect 2 Causes the infected to sweat profusely, outright wetting any floor he stands upon and causing a temporary slipping hazard for everyone.
Elvisism 2 Causes the infected to rapidly grow defining traits alike Elvis Presley, slightly impairing their speech and seriously altering their facial appearance along with growing sunglasses.
Pierrot's Throat 2 Causes the infected to grow a clown mask and synthesize Psilocybin, a powerful hallucinogen. Their speech will also be impaired by random honking.
Horse Throat 2 Causes the infected to grow a horse head and completely impairs their speech, turning it into indecipherable neighing along with being unable to use internals.
Space Adaptation Effect 2 Causes the infected to synthesize Dexalin Plus, Leporazine, Bicardine and Dermaline along with making the organs in their chest unbreakable. Leads to slow exhaling and complete space-proofing, even with a space-worthy suit or internals. Extremely beneficial.
Loudness Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably scream, potentially impairing communication.
Automated Sleeping Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to quickly grow drowsy, potentially impairing movement and interaction along with temporarily degrading sight.
Resting Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to randomly collapse, grounding them and massively impairing movement and in some cases interaction.
Blackout Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to go completely blind, making it extremely hard to manipulate most objects and move around along with making the infected unaware of anything happening within sight that isn't audible.
Anima Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably cough, potentially impairing communication and both allowing and facilitating airborne spread of the disease.
Appetiser Effect 3 Causes the infected to constantly experience extreme hunger, causing mild agony and seriously hampering movement along with slowing or even halting natural damage regeneration.
Refridgerator Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably shiver.
Hair Loss 3 Causes the infected to progressively grow bald, tampering with their facial appearance until a mirror is used.
Adrenaline Extra 3 Causes the infected to synthesize Hyperzine, causing occasional jittering and extreme rushes of energy allowing unhampered movement in all conditions. Beneficial.
Glasgow Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to synthesize pure Ethanol, causing a state of extreme drunkenness and growing liver damage.
Gaben Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to synthesize pure Nutrients, causing them to immediately and irreversibly become fat until cured and administrated Leporazine. Also makes the infected unable to wear suits and E.V.A. gear and removes need to eat. Disputably beneficial.
Bearding 3 Causes the infected to grow a Full Beard, potentially tampering with their facial appearance until a mirror is used.
Intranasal Hemorrhage 3 Causes the infected to bleed profusely from the nose, occasionally dropping infected blood on the floor.
Respiratory Putrification 3 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably cough, occasionally coughing up infected sputum on the floor and making the virus airborne.
Lantern Syndrome 3 Causes the infected to glow with a brightness equal to one of a lightbulb. Beneficial.
Coldingtons Effect 4 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably sneeze, occasionally sneezing infected mucus on the floor and making the virus airborne.
Flemmingtons 4 Causes the infected to occasionally have mucus run down the back of his throat with no serious effect.
Saliva Effect 4 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably drool with no serious effect.
Twitcher 4 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably twitch with no serious effect.
Headache 4 Causes the infected to randomly suffer head pain with no serious effect.
Itching 4 Causes the infected to randomly suffer from skin itches with no serious effect.
Drained Feeling 4 Causes the infected to randomly suffer from a feeling of being drained with no serious effects.
Watery Eyes 4 Causes the infected to randomly suffer from stinging and watering eyes with no serious effect.
Wheezing 4 Causes the infected to randomly and uncontrollably wheeze with no serious effect.
Full Glass Syndrome 4 Causes the infected to synthesize Tricordazine and feel optimistic. Beneficial.
Waiting Syndrome 4 Does absolutely nothing, forcing the disease to grow another stage to have an effect.