Archive:Space Law/Bay12: различия между версиями

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Версия от 00:28, 28 октября 2015

Corporate Regulations are penned regulations that all NanoTrasen employees have agreed to abide by in the signing of their employment contract. These regulations apply across the board on any NanoTrasen-owned property, be it station, ship, or outpost.

Onboard each facility there will be a dedicated Security department in charge of making sure that all NanoTrasen employees follow these regulations. Any employee caught not following the regulations will be punished according to (at minimum and with reason depending on the discretion of the arresting officer and severity of the incident) either the brig time to be served for each infraction, or the appropriate fine to be paid for the infraction. Above a certain severity of punishment for an incident, a tribunal will have to be held by nanotrasen elected heads of staff aboard the facility.

Interpretation of the Regulations

Every person on the station should have a good knowledge of Corporate Regulations. Following them could mean the difference between having a peaceful day or paying 1000 credits for multiple infractions. More in-depth interpretations of Corporate Regulations are required for such positions as the Warden, Head of Personnel, Captain, and the Head of Security.

For all incidents, the suspect's intent is very important. Some incidents are mutually exclusive. For example, you cannot charge a suspect with both 'assault' and 'attempted murder' from the same crime, as the intent of each is different. The general rule of thumb is that, depending on the severity of the incident, you should go with the one that has the description that best matches the incident that has occurred.

In the case of violent crimes (assault, manslaughter, attempted murder and murder), and theft (petty, pickpocketing, and high value) take only the most severe.

A single incident has a single sentence, so if, for instance, the prisoner took 3 items off someone, this is a single count of pickpocketing.

Keep in mind that people that cause major mayhem (and potentially any other criminals) have probably committed more than one crime. Add the time for each case together.

Aiding and abetting a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided and abetted.

As an arresting officer, follow standard security procedures to ensure you don't fall foul of legal proceedings.

If a prisoner's brig time is above 10 minutes, he/she must be granted access to the Brig communal area unless said prisoner is a threat to himself or others.

Some crimes may have a fine tied to them, in this case, the detained person may either serve the sentence given to them, or pay a fine. Fines can be processed using an EFTPOS scanner. Do note, however, that your Head of Security will most likely need to set up an EFTPOS scanner for you, as they need to be configured to place fines into the station security account.

In the event you feel there is a crime or infraction missing from Corporate Regulations that should be included, the NanoTrasen Legal department would like to know! Send a fax to your local central command station to forward it to the legal department, and if they like it, they will add it to the regulations, and you may even get credited for your contribution through a credit bonus or inclusion in the list of contributors!

NanoTrasen Security Mandate

As a business with practicing licenses distributed by the Sol Government, NanoTrasen is also required to report all Sol Government classified crimes to the appropriate authorities, and hold all criminals of Sol Government high crimes on permanent holding until transfer to an appropriate Sol Government authority. On board most NanoTrasen vessels, these transfers will occur at the Central Command Station of a NanoTrasen operating area. High Crime charges are to rely on evidence only. In the event that evidence is lacking, a tribunal can be held by command staff. Note that, unlike NanoTrasen regulations, no one can pardon a High Crime offender, even NanoTrasen.

Sol Government has requested that NanoTrasen provide all paperwork that is required for indicting criminals with crimes marked in corporate regulations as a "(C)" or an "(HC)". For the appropriate forms, please contact your local Sol Government Representative.

Any Sol government crimes will be flagged with the suffix "(C)", and any Sol government high crimes will be flagged with the suffix "(HC)".


The Captain is not above Corporate Regulations, and can be arrested by Security for breaking it. The only time that the Corporate Regulations can be overridden is when there is an imminent and overwhelming threat to the station.

Pardons are only legitimate if they come from a NanoTrasen higher-up (that is, someone who ranks above the Captain). Despite his high ranking, the Captain cannot spit in the face of Corporate Regulations, and any attempts to do so are infractions.

If you can't find the incident listed in here you can set up a tribunal. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure.

Tribunals should be held in place of hearings or trials, see Legal Standard Operating Procedure. Trials by jury or 'regular' trials are usually done very badly, so don't.

Do NOT demand a tribunal for anything less than 10 minutes. You'll just be laughed at.

The time you took for bringing the suspect in and the time you spend questioning are NOT to be calculated into this. This is the pure time someone spends in a cell staring at the wall.

On laggy games first take a look at how quickly the cell timer tick. We don't want people to spend an eternity in jail just for stealing a pair of gloves.

Low Level Infractions

These infractions carry standard punishments of up to 7 minutes, and can be set with an officer's discretion. 'Suggested Sentence' values are beside the incidents. 'Additional Penalties' can be decided by authorisation of Captain, Head of Security, or equivalent, and do not require tribunals.

No. Incident Description Notes Suggested Sentence Additional Penalties Fine
i101 Trespassing To be in an area which a person does not have access to. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft often committed together; both sentences should be applied. Severity is increased if they refuse to leave the area peacefully, more so if they attempt to use important equipment there, so feel free to add other charges if they do. 3 minutes. Up to 10 minutes. Demotion. 200 credits
i102 Petty Theft To take items from areas one does not have access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access. Items can include anything from toolboxes to metal to insulated gloves. Remember to take the items away from them and return them to where they stole them. 3 minutes, returning of stolen item to the owner or department. Up to 10 minutes. Demotion. 150 credits
i103(C) Minor Assault To use, or threaten, physical force against someone, without intent to kill or seriously injure. If it causes minor damage and easily treatable damage, it's minor assault. Starting fights with other employees or punching fellow employees counts too, as well as seriously threatening them with it. 4 minutes. Up to 10 minutes. Demotion. 400 credits
i104(C) Battery To have unwanted physical contact with someone, even where the contact is not violent. Bumping into someone in a corridor doesn't really count. Touching someone, when they have explicitly told you not to, does. 2 minutes. Up to 8 minutes. Demotion. 200 credits
i105 Indecent Exposure or Hooliganism To be intentionally and publicly unclothed, yelling at people for no reason (don't arrest someone because they are arguing), throwing around stuff where it could hit someone, yelling about how terrible NanoTrasen is, etc. Running around the station naked or in underwear, or other such degrading activities. Drunks can be keep to sober up, but only if they are badly harassing other crew members. Regular drunks don't get arrested and if they are only a nuisance you keep them for the regular time. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams rape is only worth it on slow rounds. Only classified as a Sol Government crime in the case of indecent exposure. 5 minutes. Up to 8 minutes. Demotion. 250 credits
i106 Suspicious Conduct To possess a suspiciously wide skill set, not indicated in employee record, wielding dangerous weapons near other staff, extensive inquiring about critical areas, or stalking other employees. Basically, metagamey/powergamey behaviour. It's worth reporting to the Head of Personnel or your Head of Staff if you want to play a character who knows more than they should. You may also want to adminhelp if you feel the person is using metagamey or powergamey behavior. 2 minutes. Immediate search. Forced psychiatric examination. Tracking implant.

Detaining for the duration of investigation.

200 credits. Immediate search.
i107 Misuse of Public Radio Channels To continually broadcast unimportant, untrue, or insignificant messages on the public radio frequency. This is really only for people who are constantly spamming the radio, such as 'DJs' or Chaplains reading their services over the comms. Screaming fake messages like "halp security is beating me" when they aren't also counts. 3 minutes. Forced psychiatric examination. Ban from using any radio equipment (Injuction). 150 credits
i108 Violation of Injunction To violate the terms of an injuction made by Security or other legal professions. Injunctions can be filed for lots of different things, such as a ban on weapons carrying, or the above radio ban. They can be applied by the Head of Security, Captain, or equivalent. If they break the law in some other way, apply that sentence too. 5 minutes. Up to 10 minutes. N/A
i109 Insulting an Officer on Duty To directly insult a Head of Staff or member of Security with no valid complaints. This is most likely to happen when someone is being fired, or when being arrested. This is really for when they're being extremely annoying and vocal. Being continually rude to your superiors also counts, if they complain. 5 minutes. Up to 15 minutes. Demotion. 250 credits
i110 Slander To spread false rumours in order to damage someone's reputation. Lying about anything to make someone else look bad. For example, an engineer trying to pass off the blame of letting the singularity loose to someone else. Since this has to be proven, it's up to a tribunal or appropriate officer. - Up to 5 minutes. 50 credits per applicable minute
i111 Failure to Execute an Order To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders. If the order is stupid, or causes you to break a law (e.g. "Release the singularity!" or "Steal that RCD for me!") you can ignore it, and probably make a complaint. However, if it's perfectly doable, lawful, and in your job description, you better do it or resign. If not following an order caused severe damage or loss of life, see "Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences". 5 minutes. Up to 15 minutes. Demotion. 500 credits
i112 Sexual Harassment To make unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks towards another employee. This is for VERY MINOR things the other person finds offensive that are sexually related. For anything more serious see "Sexual Assault". 5 minutes. Up to 15 minutes. Demotion. N/A
i113 Animal Cruelty To inflict unnecessary suffering or harm upon animals with malicious intent. Monkeys appropriately used for experiments or well-being (e.g Genetics, Virology, etc.) don't count. Shoving them in washing machines, or throwing them down disposals while still alive falls under this. Using them as food is a grey area, cows are generally fine, but dogs probably aren't. 5 minutes Up to 15 minutes. Demotion. N/A
i114 Vandalism To deliberately damage or deface the station without malicious intent. This can range from a minor hull breach, to drawing on the floor with crayons or other substances. You can adjust the time accordingly. 5 minutes Up to 10 minutes. Demotion. 450 credits
i115(C) Threat of Murder or Serious Injury To threaten to kill or seriously injure an employee. The threat has to somewhat tangible. If it's just people arguing over the radio, it's probably not worth it. Someone shouting at someone else while chasing them with a fire extinguisher is probably more valid. 2 minutes. Tracking implant. Up to 10 minutes with psychiatric evaluation. 500 credits. Tracking implant.
i116(C) Disrespect to the Dead To abuse bodies of dead or previously dead employees. Examples include, the chef using bodies in the morgue as meat, Security beating on a prisoners corpse, or using someone's body for 'experimental surgery'. Preventing a body from being cloned or cyborged also falls under this. 5 minutes Up to 10 minutes. 400 credits
i117 Excessive use of force in detainment To use more than the required force to subdue a suspect. Repeatedly batoning a prisoner after they've been handcuffed, using force against an unarmed and compliant suspect, and usage of lethal weapons in a non-lethal situation. Investigations into allegations of excessive use of force may be launched by any head of staff. 5 minutes Up to 20 minutes. Demotion. 350 credits.

Medium Level Infractions

These Infractions carry standard punishments of up to 30 minutes, though typically around 10-15 minutes, and can be set with an officer's discretion. 'Suggested Sentence' values are beside the Infractions. 'Additional Penalties' can be decided by authorisation of Captain, Head of Security, or equivalent, and do not require tribunals.

No. Infraction Description Notes Suggested Sentence Additional Penalties
i201 Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences To ignore or disregard a superior's valid orders, which then causes serious damage to property or life. Like the minor crime, except this one has caused serious damage to the station, or seriously injured someone. Examples are Medical Doctors ignoring the Chief Medical Officer while patients are piling up in medbay, or Engineers ignoring the Chief Engineer and then having the singularity eat part of the station. If this causes loss of life, refer to 302. 15 minutes. Demotion. Holding until transfer.
i202 Resisting Arrest or Sparking a Manhunt To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest, or to cause a manhunt by hiding from security. Refusing handcuffs is not resisting arrest. Pushing the officer trying to arrest you, or running away falls under this. 10 minutes. Up to 15 minutes in brig.
i203 Suicide Attempt To attempt or threaten to commit suicide. An employee trying or threatening to kill himself for any reason. This includes someone saying "AI OPEN THIS DOOR OR I KILL MYSELF". Compulsory psychiatric examination. Demotion. Isolation in holding facility.
i204 Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. Security shouldn't be using evidence for anything but evidence. 10 minutes, re-confiscation of equipment. Demotion.
i205(C) Illegal Detention, Arrest, or Holding To arrest, brig, or punish an employee without proper cause or reason. This is mainly for Security Officers who believe THEY ARE THE LAW. 15 minutes Demotion.
i206 Neglect of Duty To fail to perform a job to a satisfactory standard. This can be due to honest, or dishonest mistakes. Examples include scientists/engineers releasing plasma, doctors mixing up medicines that cause injury to patients, or the Chief Engineer allowing the singularity to escape. 10 minutes Demotion.
i207 Infiltration To attempt to, or successfully, enter a high-security area without authorisation. This includes places like the Bridge, AI upload or core, Teleporter, or EVA. Trying to break into the vault with the nuclear warhead is also very bad. Using AI or Cyborg help for infiltration purposes is also considered breaking and entering. 15 minutes Holding until transfer.
i208(C) Assault To cause severe injury to another employee. Anything beyond a few punches like in "Minor Assault". Can be adjusted for severity. Also see "Attempted Murder" if the intent was to kill. This also includes poisoning with drugs, or using hallucinogens. 20 minutes. Up to 40 minutes. Demotion.
i209 Escaping From Confinement To escape from confinement as someone who is serving a non-HuT sentence or is imprisoned before judgement. See i307 for those who escape from Holding Until Transfer sentences. 10 minutes. Up to 30 minutes. Demotion.
i210 Unlawful Modification of AI/Cyborg Laws To modify the laws of a cyborg or artificial intelligence, without need, proper access, or authority. An exception would be a law reset when obviously harmful laws have been uploaded. Only the Captain, Chief Engineer, or Two Heads of Staff can authorise a law change. 20 minutes Demotion. Holding until transfer.
i211 Sedition To incite rebellion, or rally against the established chain of command. This includes attempting to make separate areas of the ship into "Nations" or generally conspiring against the chain of command. 15 minutes Demotion. Holding until transfer.
i212(C) Contraband To possess, use, or distribute contraband items, including drugs. Chemists and Botanists are allowed to possess drugs for their line of work. It's a crime if they distribute or use it however. Also see Identifying Syndicate Items for a list of who knows what. Contraband from the Supply Shuttle also counts. This also includes firearms, such as the barman taking their shotgun outside the bar area, or illegal modification of such firearms. This does not apply to artifacts found by Xenoarcheologists. Sol Government paperwork only needs to be filed for illegal firearms. 15 minutes, confiscation of said items Up to 20 minutes. Demotion.
i213(C) Sabotage To hinder the efforts of the crew or station with malicious intent. This includes causing hull breaches, sabotaging air supplies, stealing vital equipment, etc. The intent is probably the most important bit here. 20 minutes Demotion. Up to 40 minutes in brig.
i214 Exceeding Official Powers To act beyond what is allowed by the Chain of Command. This is for any head of staff who abuses the power given to them, such as the Head of Personnel acting like a security officer in a non-emergency, the captain acting as if he is above the law, etc. Heads of Staff trying to order a different department or ignoring the captain also comes under this. Also covers anyone illegally promoting themselves, such as with a stolen ID. 15 minutes Demotion. Up to 30 minutes in brig.
i215(C) Grand Theft To steal items that are dangerous, of a high value, or a sensitive nature. This means weapons, explosives, or ammunition, and also includes items from the High-risk Items page. Security Officers stealing things from the armoury is an example. 15 minutes, confiscation of stolen items. Demotion. Holding until Transfer.
i216 Organising an Breakout To attempt, or succeed, in freeing criminals from the brig or other holding areas. Breaking brig windows 15 minutes. Up to 30 minutes
i217 Illegal Blocking of Areas To make an area inaccessible for those with appropriate access. Bolting doors in public hallways or to those of departments you don't have control over are examples of this. 10 minutes Up to 25 minutes. Demotion
i218(C) Severe Use of Excessive Force To put a victim in a near-death state in defence of yourself or others, or seriously injuring a suspect while attempting to detain them. Severely injuring someone attacking you or others with no obvious threat to life, or panicking and shooting a suspect to near-death. 10 minutes Up to 30 minutes. Demotion.
i219(C) Mistreatment of Prisoners To intentionally act, or cause an act that puts a non-hostile prisoner's well-being in danger. Preventing proper treatment from being given to a prisoner, abusing a prisoner, and preventing them from having access to a viable method of communication. In the event that a prisoner dies because of mistreatment, the charge is immediately upgraded to either murder or manslaughter, depending on intent. 10 minutes Up to 30 minutes. Demotion.

High Severity Infractions

These Infractions generally need to be ruled on by a tribunal as in Legal Standard Operating Procedure, and criminals should be held until judgement can be passed.

No. Crime Description Notes Sentence Judgements
i301(HC) Murder To kill someone, or attempt to kill someone, with premeditated malicious intent. Also cover Attempted Murder. The premeditated and malicious bit is important here. Holding until judgement. Holding until Sol Gov. transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion.
i302(C) Manslaughter To kill someone without malice or forethought. This includes causing death due to negligence or dereliction of duty. Can also be used for excessive self-defence. 20 minutes. 30 minutes.
i303(HC) Mutiny To openly rebel against or attempt to remove command staff with violent intent. See "Sedition" for less violent mutineers. Holding until judgement. Holding until transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion.
i304(C/HC) Kidnapping and Hostage taking To take away or transport a victim against the victim's will. If the person is held for ransom or exchange, then it is considered hostage taking, which is automatically a holding until Sol Gov. transfer 30 minutes. Holding until transfer
i305(HC) Terrorist Acts To engage in maliciously destructive actions, which seriously threaten the crew or station. This includes deliberate arson, use of bombs, release of singularity, etc. Holding until judgement. Holding until Sol Gov. transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion.
i306(C) Assaulting a Head of Staff To assault a Head of Staff, causing severe damage. Exactly like "Assault", but this time against a Head of Staff. 20 minutes. up to 40 minutes. Termination of Employment.
i307(HC) Escaping from Holding Until Transfer To escape, or attempt to escape, from the brig or other holding area when being held until transfer. They have to have been properly convicted for it to be a an HuT sentence. - Cyborgification.
i308(HC) Terrorist Collaboration To act as an agent of a terrorist or anti-Corporation group. Espionage, disclosure of corporate secrets, or any other assistance rendered to outside hostile organisations, or their representatives in hostile activities to the Corporation, committed by a employee of Corporation. As a high crime, suspected terrorist agents must be put through a tribunal unless their level of resistance renders capture efforts infeasible. Holding until judgement. Holding until Sol Gov. transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion.
i309(HC) Sexual Assault To assault, or attempt to assault, someone else sexually, including rape. ERP scenes, or erotic roleplay, is a permabannable offence. Adminhelp it if this happens to you; it's against server rules, not just station rules. 30 minutes, tracking implant. Holding until Sol Gov. transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion.

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Benefit
Surrender Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without putting a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to actually come to the brig yourself. Up to -25%, and should be taken into account when determining the severity of crimes.
Re-education Getting de-converted from revolutionary. Up to and including immediate release
Cooperation with prosecution or security Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning or providing names of head revolutionaries. Up to -25%. In the case of revealing a head revolutionary, up to -50%.
Immediate threat to the prisoner The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location. Otherwise, immediate release. HuT sentences must be reapplied after danger has passed.
Medical reasons Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time.
Self Defence Assault and even homicide can be justified if it was necessary for prevention of loss of life. (Note that there are borders of acceptable self-defence, and killing a man who just punched you is subject to "Fatal Use of Excessive Force") Up to and including immediate release.

Commentaries and Clarifications.

Cyborgification The removal of a person's brain for transplanting into a Cyborg Chassis. Often also known as Shackling.

Dismissal: Changing ID title to "Dismissed", zero access.

Demotion: Can be done up to and including Assistant position, by Head of Personnel or Captain's decision.

Employee: Employee of NanoTrasen, as defined by the station's commanding officer. All non-employee subjects are not protected by these laws.

Empowering: Illegal acquiring (not via Head of Personnel or Captain) of access.

Head of Staff: Crew members occupying one of the following positions: Captain, Chief Engineer, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director.

HuT Holding Until Transfer

Lethal Situation: A situation in which there is an apparent and real threat the the well-being of all those involved.

Repeat Offenders: For repeat offenders, you may double the sentences listed here.

Severe Injury: A state in which the victim is in a critical condition and is having difficulty maintaining consciousness.

Demotion and dismissal also require the removal of equipment from the previous job. E.g: Uniforms, weapons, bombs, PDA cartridges, etc.

For the purposes of Cyborg/AI laws, crewmembers that have been convicted, or are being held in detention, are considered to be below even the AI/Cyborgs in terms of rank.

Serving sentence in jail can be replaced with forced labour in some cases.

In cases where the final sentence is more than 90 minutes, it is changed to Holding Until Transfer.

The standard penalty can be applied without a tribunal by Security Officers.

Penalties listed here are guidelines. Tribunals can assign lesser or higher ones, depending on the circumstances.