Uniform Guide

Версия от 17:40, 14 декабря 2017; Ashton Fox (обсуждение | вклад) (Перевод заглавной части)

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Во время игры в качестве экипажа на борту SEV Torch, вам будет доступно четыре вида униформ. Правила ношения регулируются данным руководством. Каждый вид имеет свои компоненты, и каждый из видов предназначен для различных случаев и мероприятий. Не смешивайте и не сопоставляйте компоненты каждой формы, если это не разрешено в данном руководстве.

Религиозные головные уборы, соответствующие основному цвету униформы, допускаются для ношения. Самый простой вид униформы — для физических тренировок(PT Uniform). Состоит из шортов, футболки, носков и кроссовок. Эта форма, как следует из названия, предназначена только для занятия физкультурой, сна или для ношения под другой формой, и не должна использоваться во время работы. Следующий вид — общая униформа(Utility Uniform), её вы будете носить большую часть времени. Эта форма прочна, проста и частично защищает владельца от разных поражающих факторов. Её можно носить с различным рабочим обмундированием, броневой защитой, под скафандром. Не носите на ней какие-либо украшения(медали или ленты), за исключением специальных булавок для служащих флота и отличительных значков рода войск. Служебная униформа(Service Uniform) выполняет функции делового костюма. Этот вид формы больше подойдёт тем служащим, кто проводит большую часть времени у себя в офисе; если ваша работа подразумевает физические нагрузки, лучше держите служебную форму в шкафу. Может носиться с украшениями. Наконец, парадная униформа(Dress Uniform). Предназначена только для официальных мероприятий, например, для встречи высокопоставленных лиц или проведения военного трибунала.

Когда вы носите форму, вы представляете себя, свою организацию и свой корабль. Гордитесь своей внешностью и постарайтесь сделать так, чтобы ваши сослуживцы тоже её гордились. В форме запрещено курить, пить, есть, жевать жвачку, если вы не стоите на месте. Не при исполнении разрешается носить гражданскую одежду или служебную униформу, правила гигиены(в том числе, относительно причёски и бритья) к соблюдению не обязательны, но, всё же, рекомендуется выглядеть опрятно даже вне службы. Если у вас остались какие-то вопросы по поводу видов униформ и правил их ношения, не стесняйтесь спросить в OOC или в AdminHelp(F1).

Grooming and Hair

While in uniform, the crew is expected to maintain a certain standard of personal hygiene and grooming. This means that you must have groomed hair that does not cover your eyes, extend past the collar of your uniform, or too far from the top of your head. As much as you'd like to have a massive afro, it would be hard to fit under a helmet if the ship came under attack. Trimmed mustaches are permitted, provided they are not split at any point. The following styles are permitted for all military personnel, with facial hair in italics:

Bald, Short Hair, Short Hair 2, Cut Hair, Shoulder-length Hair, Ponytail 2, Ponytail 3, Ponytail 6, Parted, Pompadour, Quiff, Bedhead 3, Bobcurl, Bob, Bowl, Buzzcut, Crewcut, Combover, Father, Reverse Mohawk, Curls, Afro, Rows, Flat Top, Mohawk, Adam Jensen Hair, Gelled Back, Spiky, Short Hime, Kusanagi Hair, Skinhead, Balding Hair, CIA, Mulder, Scully, Joestar, Short Bangs, Low Bun, High Bun, High and Tight, High Fade, Medium Fade, Low Fade, Balding Fade, Regulation Cut, Trimmed Flat Top, Shaved, Trimmed, Tight Bun, Coffee House Cut, Parted Fade, Undercut, Chin Length Bob Cut. Square Mustache, Selleck Mustache, Hulk Hogan Mustache, Watson Mustache.

Expeditionary Corps

Members of the Expeditionary Corps, as permitted by EC regulations, may let their hair grow out further while in deep space. Trimmed beards, ponytails, and longer hairstyles are permitted, given that the hair does not extend over the shoulder, or sit above the head unassisted so far as that it cannot be forced under a helmet. The following additional styles are permitted for Expeditionary Corps members, with facial hair in italics:

Flaired Hair, Long Fringe, Ponytail 1, Ponytail 5, Parted, Sleeze, Bedhead, Bedhead 2, Beehive, Bowl, Devil Lock, Dreadlocks, Afro 2, Flow Hair, Feather, Hitop, Odango, Ombre, Updo, Dandy Pompadour, Poofy, Vegeta, Nitori, Grande Braid, Fringetail. Neckbeard, Full Beard, Elvis Sideburns, Abraham Lincoln Beard, Chinstrap, Hipster Beard, Goatee, Adam Jensen Beard, Volaju, 3 O'Clock Shadow, 3 O'Clock Moustache, 5 O'Clock Shadow, 5 O'Clock Moustache, 7 O'Clock Shadow, 7 O'Clock Moustache.

Hats/Covers while in Uniform

Under current SolGov military regulations, uniformed personnel are not required to wear hats (Also called 'covers'), while serving aboard a naval vessel such as the SEV Torch.


The crew is allowed to wear simple and conservative jewelry, and it must be in good taste while in uniform. Eccentricities or faddishness are not permitted, and the jewelry may not present a safety hazard. One ring per hand is permitted, plus a wedding or engagement ring set. Only one necklace is permitted while in uniform, and it must not be visible.

Expeditionary Corps uniforms

Expeditionary Corps uniforms are black, with silver trim for enlisted and staff crew members, and gold for heads of staff. Rank is displayed with shoulder boards.

PT Uniform

The PT uniform of the SCG Expeditionary Corps. A baggy shirt bearing the seal of the SCG Expeditionary Corps and some dorky looking blue shorts. The PT shirt is worn under every EC uniform.

PT Uniform PT Shorts PT Shirt PT Shoes

Utility Uniform

The utility uniform of the SCG Expeditionary Corps, made of biohazard-resistant material. The crew wears silver or gold cuffs and belts to denote position. Departmental color blazes on the shoulders and shins. Rank is denoted by shoulder-boards worn on the turtleneck. Can be worn with a variety of additional work-related items, including job-specific clothing like lab coats, armor, helmets, welding masks, and gloves.

Utility Uniform Utility Shirt Utiliy Under Utility Boots Utility Tabs Utility Hat Options

Service Uniform

The Service Uniform of the SCG Expeditionary Corps. A jacket similarly decorated to the utility uniform, worn over the utility uniform. Ladies can optionally wear the skirt provided at the uniform vendor instead of the utility pants. Can be worn with the same variety of headgear and gloves.

Service Uniform Service Uniform Skirt Service Uniform Overwear Options
Beret, medals

Dress Uniform

The dress uniform of the SCG Expeditionary Corps. Ladies can optionally wear the skirt uniform provided at the vendor instead of the shirt and slacks. Should not be worn with any extra equipment or gear save holsters, armbands, ranks, or awards.

Dress Uniform Dress Cap Dress Gloves Dress Overwear Dress Shirt Dress Shoes Options
Beret, medals

Fleet uniforms

Fleet uniforms are either navy or white, depending on the uniform in question, and are worn with some unique extra specialty pins. Specific jobs have colored pins for their collars, and all members wear gold or silver specialty pins on their left breast to denote officer or enlisted status. Rank is displayed with shoulder boards.

PT Uniform

The PT uniform of the SCG Fleet. A three-part ensemble with two tank tops and shorts.

PT Uniform PT Top PT Shorts PT Shoes

Utility Uniform

The utility uniform of the SCG Fleet, made of heat and shock-resistant material. PT tank tops should be worn underneath. Cuffs are colored to mark department. Rank is denoted by shoulder-boards worn on the coveralls. Specialty pins worn on the coveralls denote enlisted and officers, as well as specialties. Can be worn with a variety of additional work-related items, including job-specific clothing like lab coats, armor, helmets, welding masks, and gloves.

Utility Uniform Utility Shirt Utility Under Utility Boots Utility Tabs Utility Hat Options

Service Uniform

The Service Uniform of the SCG Fleet. White trousers, shirt, and shoes. Can be worn with long or short sleeves. Ladies can optionally wear the skirt uniform provided at the vendor instead of the shirt and slacks. Rank displayed with shoulder boards. No departmental markings other than any specialty pins. Can be worn with equipment belts and holsters, but no webbing or vests. Dress gloves and white dress shoes only. Can be worn with blue or navy-colored ties and other military dress accessories. White shirt is worn underneath.

Service Uniform Service Shirt Service Shoes Service Tabs Service Hat Options
Berets, medals

Dress Uniform

The dress uniform of the SCG Fleet. A long white coat with silver or gold trim depending on rank, worn over top of the service uniform. Should not be worn with any extra equipment or gear save holsters, armbands, ranks, specialty pins, or awards.

Dress Uniform Dress Shirt Dress Cap Dress Gloves Dress Overwear Options

Marine Corps uniforms

SCG Marine uniforms tend to look dated, following uniform traditions passed down from historical military organizations. Rank pins are placed on the collar of marine uniforms.

PT Uniform

The PT uniform of the SCG Marine Corps. A whole lot of green, and a pair of obscenely short shorts.

PT Uniform PT Top PT Bottom PT Shoes

Utility Uniform

The utility uniform of the SCG Marine Corps, made of impact-resistant material. Colored bands on the shoulders mark department aboard ships on the black uniform. Rank is denoted by collar devices. Can be worn with a variety of additional work-related items, including job-specific clothing like lab coats, armor, helmets, welding masks, and gloves. Comes in three main camouflage patterns: dark gray for use shipside and in urban environments, tan for use in arid environments, and green for use in woodland environments.

Marine Utility Uniform Utility Uniform Utility Hat Utility Boots Options

Service Uniform

The Service Uniform of the SCG Marine Corps. Green trousers and brown shirt, undecorated. Ladies can optionally wear the skirt uniform provided at the vendor, instead. Worn with a coat if desired. Can be worn with long or short sleeves. Can be worn with equipment belts or holsters, but no webbing or vests. Black dress gloves and shoes only. Should be worn with a brown tie, and can be worn with other military dress accessories. A white shirt should be worn underneath.

Marine Service Uniform Service Overwear Service Under Service Shoes Service Hat Service Hat (Alternate) Options
Beret, medals

Dress Uniform

The dress uniform of the SCG Marine Corps. Unchanged for a long while. Should not be worn with any extra equipment or gear save holsters, armbands, ranks, or awards. A white shirt is worn underneath. Be sure to wear the white cover with this, not the green one.

Marine Dress Uniform Dress Shirt Dress Overwear Dress Shoes Dress Gloves Dress Hat Options
Beret, medals