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Профессия Роль Сложность
Доступ: Medbay, Morgue, EVA, Maintenance, External Airlocks

Подчинение: Chief Medical Officer

Обязанности: LДоставка в медбэй ЖИВЫХ пациентов, работа против времени.

Guides: Guide to Medicine/Bay12, Guide to Surgery/Bay12


Alternate Titles: Emergency Medical Technician

Парамедик играет очень важную роль на борту станции. Первоочередная задача - доставка тяжело раненых из далекого от медбэя места, когда каждая секунда на счету и любое действие или бездействие означают разницу между жизнью и смертью. Это значительно поможет если ты поиграешь как Medical Doctor работа которого похожа на эту, перед попыткой сыграть в парамедика. Парамедики натренированы на в медицинской отрасли, но они не доктора; поэтому не умеют выполнять хирургические операции или ставить четкий диагноз. Они умеют находить и лечить, часто частично, симптомы найденные на поле боя.

Подготовка к работе

Большая часть работы парамедика, это быть готовым к вызову; Потому что когда ты его получаешь, времени обычно маловато чтобы собрать препараты. Хороший парамедик должен быть способен стабилизировать состояние пациента, и уменьшить любые повреждения тела, не смотря на их тип. Хороший парамедик также должен быть способен достигнуть любого угла станции, в любом состоянии. Поэтому, рекомендуется иметь следующие вещи всегда под рукой: (к примеру для этого гида, лекарства есть с начала раунда, поэтому не надо идти к химику. Не стесняйся брать лучшие медикаменты если они доступны). Лекарства и инструменты в большинстве можно найти в NanoMed раздатчиках или аптечках.

Responding to an Emergency

Now that you're all prepped and ready, it's only a waiting game until your first emergency arises. Whether by monitoring suit sensors or a radio call, you'll have a name and a place. Rush to the place as soon as you can; making sure you're equipped with your voidsuit if the area is depressurized. Once on scene, you will need to stabilize your patient before moving him/her to medbay; depending on the state he is in.

Non-Critical Patient

If the call you've responded to is non-critical (The patient is fully conscious, stable, and/or health above 0); then all you need to do is diagnose the specific problem and administer the necessary medicine on the field. It is advised, however; to bring the patient back to the medbay for a more thorough check. Nonetheless, you will find yourself performing several of the steps found in the next section; but with much less urgency, which means less medicine used on the patient which can be treated in the medbay.

Critical Patients

Dealing with critical patients is a bit more tricky. More likely than not, you'll find critical patients (Health Below 0) are unconscious, or otherwise unable to communicate. This will make finding the exact cause of the problem unlikely in the field, which would require you transport the patient to the medical bay post-haste. But before that, a series of steps are required to make sure your patient doesn't die on the way. The steps are listed in order of importance.

  • Administer Inaprovaline to the critical patient, to make sure his situation doesn't worsen.
  • If the patient is bleeding, apply the trauma kit to the affected area as soon as possible to stop the bleeding.
  • If the patient is suffocating, a strap an oxygen tank to him and make sure he breathes out of it on the way to the medical ward.
  • If the patient has/had an open wound, it is advised you inject him with spaceallin or apply an advanced burn kit to kill any infection at the stem. This is a preemptive measure, and unnecessary unless you believe the patient is in such a dismal condition that you can't afford any more risks. You are unable to detect infections on the field, and need an advanced health scanner, found in medbay, to do so.
  • Treat any remaining burn, brute or toxin damage with the application of advanced kits or pills, to further improve the state of the patient.
  • Administer Tramadol if the patient is suffering from pain-causing symptoms, like fractures, burns or brute damage. Patients in shock are less communicative, which will hamper your efforts.
  • Finally, splint any fractures before strapping your patient to his roller bed and rolling him away.

While transporting the patient, make sure to orally ask him/her how he's feeling. Don't let the effort went into stabilizing the patient go to waste, throwing away the advantage of having a perfectly responsive patient.

On arrival, make sure you brief any doctor that will handle your patient on what you did to him/her, and whatever his symptoms were. Remember the ICly, doctors shouldn't give out treatment lightly, and failing to inform the doctor taking over of past steps might have him repeat the treatment, which might lead to an overdose.

What to Do When Out of Emergencies?

Paramedics, being non-doctors trained in the medical field, can assume other roles around the medbay to make MD's lives easier; and improve overall efficiency of the medical bay; basically acting as a glorified nurse.

  • Help move patients from one branch of the medbay to another.
  • Monitor the reception, monitor suit sensors.
  • Handle triage; stabilizing patients who were left waiting.
  • Check up on patients who were given a bed.
  • Distribute spacealline and help enforce quarantines in case of a viral breakout.

Roleplay Tips

  • Remember that paramedics are not MDs. Keep that in mind, and use it to give an interesting edge to your character. Think like a paramedic would; not a doctor. Asking questions a doctor would consider 'silly' is perfectly fine for you.
  • Paramedics are trained on urgency, speed and that every second counts; unlike the MDs who had to spend over a decade studying to start practicing. That contract between your coworkers and you can be used to enhance RP.