Chief Engineer

Материал из Chaotic Onyx
Версия от 04:26, 5 ноября 2010; Voidwort (обсуждение | вклад) (Перевел первый абзац с английской Вики. Скоро переведу до конца.)
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Chief Engineer

Captain начинает игру с ID card полного доступа. У RD изначально имеется бомба. HoS начинает с личной армией и целом арсеналом оружия. Так что делает Главного Инженераа, начинающего игру лишь с ассортиментом инструментов и парой magnetic shoes, особенным? Факт того, что при желании хороший Главный Инженер может собрать по кусочкам станцию либо её уничтожить.

У Главного Инженера есть три основных обязанности: запуск и поддержание в исправном состоянии двигателя, подключение солнечных батарей и управление подконтрольным техническим персоналом. Хотя многие Главные Инженеры предпочитают просто забрать свои magnetic shoes и загадочно исчезнуть (обычно в космосе или в бутылке со спиртным), так поступать не стоит. Так как вся станция придёт в негодность без электричества (Atmos перестанет работать, тем самым прекратится циркуляция воздуха на станции), стоит лично проконтролировать запуск двигателя.

Руководство к действию

Когда начинается раунд, нужно немедленно открыть шкафчик в своём офисе (расположенном в центре Engineering'а) и возьмите magnetic shoes. Это возможная цель трейтора, так что пока нет уверенности в том, что раунд проходит не в режиме трейтора, нельязя терять их не под каким предлогом.

The second thing you should do is grab a blue toolbox and a welding mask from the Engineering lockers. By this point, someone will have likely grabbed the Engineering spacesuit and run off to space themselves. If they haven't, give it to an Engineer you trust, and have them begin wiring the solars.

You should then proceed to the engine and spawn the singularity. To find out how to do this, see the Running the Engine page. Any nearby Engineers should assist you in setting up the emitters and welding down the field generators. Under the latest station revision, the gravity wells are no longer strictly required to start the engine - but if for some reason they are, the sole remaining gravity well is behind a false wall at the bottom of the engine room. Be sure to weld the doors to the engine after everyone is out, and have the AI bolt them, especially if you suspect the gamemode is traitor or revolution.

After setting up the engine, if you haven't already, you should wire the solars. These should be on at all times, even if the engine is running and generating power, because if some idiot and/or traitor manages to let the singularity loose, and it somehow doesn't devour the entire station, you are going to want the station to be powered until the AI can call the shuttle.

Traitors and Revolutionaries

The Chief Engineer is a target in both Traitor and Revolution mode for a multitude of reasons: his magnetic shoes are a possible traitor objective, shutting off the power (usually done by releasing the singularity) can be a traitor objective, and he counts as a head in Revolution. On top of that, he has access to EVA and the Bridge, and doesn't spawn with any weapons.

If you suspect either traitors or a revolution, you should (in addition to having the AI bolt the doors to the engine and welding those doors shut) grab the RCD from EVA (or a large stack of metal) and wall in the doors to the solars and to the engine. Both the solars and the engine will pretty much sustain themselves once set up, and walling the doors gives Security that much more time to respond if they believe the traitors or revs are trying to let the singularity loose.

Be sure to take the spare emitters from Engineering with you if you leave during a rev round - the revs can do some rather nasty things with them if they're set up properly.

The CE as a Traitor: Release the Singularity for Fun and Mass Destruction

As a traitor CE, you can do one of two things, depending on what your objective is. One option is to simply deny the station power by never setting up the engine or solars - which will cause a complete power failure after around 15 minutes. Another option is to start the engine, and once everyone is gone, turn off the field generators and release the singularity twoard the station, which will likely kill absolutely everyone and force the AI (if it still exists) to call the shuttle.

Remember that the singularity is the best hiding place for bodies - toss them in, and nothing can ever recover them.

Another fun thing to try is setting up the emitters near the escape arm, and then turning them on, resulting in a gigantic wall of nearly-unstoppable death.