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'''Режим Игры''' определяет какие события произойдут в следующем раунде и при каких условиях он начнётся. Режим могут изменить администраторы либо игроки при помощи голосования.
'''Режим игры''' определяет события, которые могут произойти во время игры, а также задачи игроков. Он может быть изменён администратором или голосованием игроков.<br>
Старайтесь избегать голосования Смены Режима в середине раунда - это вызовет немедленный рестарт сервера. Что в свою очередь вызовет недовольство игроков и гнев администраторов.
Да будет вам известно, что успешно завершившееся голосование за смену режима игры, начатое в середине раунда, приведёт к рестарту сервера и если оно было начато без особой на то причины - вы имеете все шансы схлопотать бан.
== Основные режимы ==
В этом режиме происходит случайный выбор режима игры из следующих: Traitor, Nuclear, Revolution, Meteor или Wizard.
Кроме того, различные случайные события могут произойти во время игры, как то: неполадка ИИ, распространение биомассы, обстрел метеоритами, заражение различными болезнями, сбои электроснабжения и выбросы космических лучей.
Секрет выбирает один из хороших режимов, не информируя игроков о выбранном режиме. Возможные варианты: Traitor, Nuclear, Revolution, Cult, Wizard, AI Mulfunction, Changeling. В дополнение, происходят всевозможные случайные события - вроде входа станции в метеоритный пояс, повышение радиационного пояса и прочие неприятности.
''<code>'''Enemy Transmission Intercept''' - Security level elevated.</code>''<br>
Один из самых часто выбираемых режимов. В нём один или более игроков являются агентами Синдиката и получают особый передатчик, через который можно заказать [[Syndicate Items|полезные вещички]] . Экипаж должен определить кто является предателем и не дать им выполнить их задачи. Игра заканчивается с отбытием спасшаттла.<br>
Задачи предателей обычно таковы:
* Убить определённого члена экипажа
* Украсть реактивный ранец, подштанники Капитана, [[RCD]], антикварный лазерный пистолет капитана, ручной телепорт или магнитные боты инженера (есть ли они в нашей версии игры?)
* Улететь на шаттле в одиночку
Если Предатели выполнят свои задания и улетят на шаттле живыми, они победят. Следует заметить, что предатели побеждают индивидуально - они, конечно, могут объединиться в банду и работать сообща, но это не обязательно для их победы.
===Multitraitor (Есть ли он в нашей версии?)===
Multi-traitor is now a commonly used mode. Instead of just one traitor, there is more than one - and sometimes their objectives can overlap! It can be a race to whatever object they need to steal, or whoever they need to kill, and escape on the shuttle.
Wearing sunglasses as a traitor will reveal other traitors. This shouldn't be treated as an automatic excuse to rat them out.
''<code>'''Enemy Transmission Intercept''' - Security level elevated.</code>''
Arguably the most commonly played mode prior to the introduction of Secret. In Traitor, one or more crew members are a Syndicate agents and are given an uplink radio to provide them with [[Syndicate Items|useful tools]] to help them complete their goal. The Crew must find out who the traitors are and stop them from reaching their goal. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves.<br>
Один из членов экипажа на самом деле не тот, кем он выглядит! Морфер это монстр в человеческой шкуре, способный пожирать людей и приобретать их ДНК и ID. Морферу нужно тихое местечко, чтобы съесть кого-нибудь, жертва также должна быть лишена способности к передвижению, так что единственный стиль игры - стелс. У морфера есть некоторое оружие, такое, как ядовитый дротик, но он должен больше полагаться на скрытность. Морфер может стать любым из поглощённых членов экипажа мнгновенно, только поглощение занимает много времени. Также, как и Предатель, Морфер обычно имеет несколько задач, которые должны быть выполнены до прибытия спасшаттла, обычно требуется поглотить определённое число членов экипажа перед прибытием шаттла.
Traitor objectives are usually one of the following:
* Assassinate a specific crew member.
* Steal a restricted item.
* Be the only one on the Emergency Shuttle when it leaves or just escape alive.
If the Traitors can meet their objectives and are present and alive on the shuttle when it leaves, they win. Note that traitors win individually - they may band together and work as a team, but it is not required for them to succeed.
''<code>Не анонсируется в чате.</code>''<br>
A team of two to five Syndicate operatives has been sent on a mission to completely destroy the station with a nuclear bomb. However, they must get the Nuclear Authentication Disk from the station itself in order to arm the bomb, and the crew (or at least the captain) will be doing everything in their power to stop the attackers from getting the disk. The operatives have access to the same items Traitors get in order to complete their mission, as well as Pinpointers that will allow them to hunt for the Disk.<br>
Команда из 2-5 боевиков Синдиката была отправлена на задание для полного уничтожения станции при помощи ядерной бомбы.
Так или иначе, они должны заполучить Nuclear Authentication Disk со станции для того, чтобы взорвать заряд и экипаж (или по крайней мере капитан) будет делать всё, что в их силах, чтобы не допустить этого. Боевики могут заказать те же предметы, что и предатели наряду с  Pinpointers (что это?) которые позволят им выследить диск.<br>
*Subvert or destroy the AI first. It can give you away.
*Genetics being online means your victims can get back up to j'accuse or simply robust you in revenge. You will never be cloned from the goodness of someone's heart. Take it out.
*Voice-changers are no good if everyone can see you wearing the gas mask when you shouldn't have one.
*Make sure the shuttle can't be called and then you can't technically lose!
*Always keep in communication with your team. Having backup and knowledge of what's happening from both the syndicate and loyal station fronts goes a long way towards an easy victory and far outweighs the damage someone who stole a syndicate headset can do.
*And for the love of R.A.CH.NA. '''NEVER ORDER A FUCKING CLOAK!''' You will be killed by the several thermal-wearing crazies inside the station and then they use the cloak against your fellow syndicate team that do not have the same See Mr. Invisible benefits.
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
* Если спасшаттл улетает с диском на борту - экипаж побеждает.
* If the Shuttle leaves with the Disk on board, the Crew wins.
* Если шаттл улетает, а диск всё ещё находится на станции - игра заканчивается ничьей.
* If the Shuttle leaves with the Disk still anywhere on the station, no-one wins.
* Если бомба успешно взрывается - побеждает Синдикат.
* If the Bomb detonates successfully, the Syndicate wins and the station is destroyed.
''<code>Не анонсируется в чате.</code>''<br>
A small cadre of crewmembers have had enough of the command staff's bullshit, so it's time to revolt! Revolution Leaders (of which there will be one to three) start with a flash and the same uplink Traitors get to provide them with items. When a Revolution Leader uses a flash on someone who isn't a Security Officer, Detective, or one of the Heads/Captain, they will be converted to the Revolution and will have a red R mark on them visible to all revolutionaries. Note that Rev Leaders can use any flash to convert people, not just the one they start with. The shuttle will never come during this game mode, presumably because Central Command doesn't mind a little corporate restructuring but would rather it stay isolated.<br>
Нескольким членам экипажа надоело всё это капитанское дерьмо и они решили устроить бунт! Революционеры начинают игру с flash'ами и передатчиком как у предателей. Когда революционер использует flash на ком-то, кто не является офицером службы безопасности, детективом, или членом командного состава\глав подразделений, он превращается в революционера и получает красный значок R видимый всем революционерам. Учтите что лидеры революции могут использовать любой flash, а не только тот, с которым они начали игру. Если в этом режиме вызвать спасшаттл, то он улетит обратно, сразу же, как достигнет станции.<br>
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
'''Условия победы:'''
* If all of the Command Staff present at the beginning of the round die, the Revolution wins. (Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Engineer and Captain)
* Если весь командный состав погибает - революционеры побеждают. (Боцман, Глава службы безопасности, научный директор, главный инженер и капитан)
* If all of the Revolution Leaders die, the Heads win.
* Если все лидеры революции погибают - побеждает экипаж.
* Leaving the station z-level counts as "Abandoned the station/Abandoned the Cause", in which they are treated as dead.
* Leaving the station zlevel, not being logged in and vbrigged all count as "Abandoned the station/Abandoned the Cause", in which they are treated as dead.
There is a bug that sometimes occurs in this mode where revolution leaders will not be given a flash  or the flash will refuse to convert. If this occurs, [[adminhelp]] it and a friendly admin may spawn you one (though you'll likely already be killed and known as a revolutionary head since you just flashed someone in the hallway.)
В этом режиме есть баг: лидеры революции могут начать игру без flash'ей. Если такой произойдёт, напишите об этом в [[adminhelp]] и хороший админ может выдать вам по штуке.
*There is a bug where if a revolutionary leader is gibbed while still alive they do not count as dead. Please kill people before gibbing them to ensure you do not bug the round.
''<code>'''Meteor Alert''' - We have detected meteors on a collision course with the station. Due to safety reasons, the Shuttle cannot be called.</code>''<br>
A unique /tg/ server mode! A vile magic cult has infiltrated the station, and it is up to the heads of staff and chaplain to stop them. Quite similar to revolution, with some exceptions:
Не слишком часто выбираемый режим, в котором станция будет продырявлена к чертям метеоритныи потоком и экипаж должен выжить и спастись либо ремонтируя пробоины и создавая безопасные зоны, либо в духе "каждый сам за себя". Во время раунда спасшаттл может быть вызван только по прошествии определённого времени, обычно около 10-20 минут.<br>
*There are no defined "Cult heads", all cultists are equal; but each original cultist starts knowing the meaning of one rune word and a special 3-use talisman.
Все, кто доберутся живыми и здоровыми до спасшаттла побеждают, в то время как все убитые или оставшиеся на станции - проигрывают.
*Since cultists dont know all words required for creation of runes, they need to find these words out through experimentation. As such, the crew has some time before the cult starts spreading.
*The [[chaplain]], can use his bible to reveal hidden runes and deprogram cultists. Apply the bible directly to the forehead or to the floor, depending on what you want to acheive.
*Cultists draw runes from their own blood, requiring arcane tomes to do so.
*Rather than a syndicate uplink, cultists draw on pieces of paper using their own blood (and taking massive brute damage) to gain cult items and powers. Most of the time they have to resort to the drawn runes, though.
*Drawn runes do a number of effects covered in [[cult magic]].
*The shuttle is possible to call and will end the round. Having a number of cultists escape on it is one of the possible objectives.
''<code>'''Centcom Alert''' - На станцию прибывает Space Wizard.</code>''<br>
*Cult members (especially LEADERS) who are cloned lose cultist powers but are still considered cultists.
Space Wizard должен зачистить станцию с помощью арсенала мощных заклинаний, которые позволяют всячески влиять на происходящее вокруг, даже на время и пространство. Пытаясь попасть в Space Wizard Federation's (которая, к слову, очень похожа на синдикат), он не остановится ни перед чем. Nanotransen и SWF знаменитые враги, так что комманде не остается ничего, кроме как уничтожить Wizard-а. Выполните свою миссию, раздробив чем-нибудь мозги Wizard-a, целью которого, как правило, является грабёж или уничтожение чего-либо и успешное покидание станции на шаттле.<br>
У Wizard-а иногда могут быть помошники, и главный Wizard может быть [[Illithid]], получив Mind Blast задаром.<br>
'''Условия окончания раунда:'''
* Если Wizard и все его последователи умрут, побеждает экипаж.
* Если шаттл улетает без Wizard-а, который выполнил свои цели, раунд оканчивается ничьёй.
* Если Wizard справляется со своим заданием и покидает станцию на шаттле — победа в раунде остаётся за ним.
A space wizard has infiltrated the station! Wielding an arsenal of powerful spells that can defy physics and even time and space itself, he will stop at nothing to advance the [[Backstory#Space Wizard Federation|Space Wizard Federation]]'s agenda (which is remarkably similar to the syndicate's). Nanotransen and the SWF are known enemies, so the crew has no choice but to destroy the wizard! Accomplish this by beating the wizard's brains in with anything. The wizard's goals are mainly to steal or destroy something on the station and escape on the shuttle.<br>
The Wizard can have an apprentice sometimes.<br>
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
* If the Wizard and all apprentices die, the crew wins.
* If the shuttle leaves without the Wizard completing his objectives, no-one wins.
* If the Wizard completes his objectives and leaves on the shuttle, the Wizard wins.
== Other Modes ==
As of now, alien is still very untested, but you may encounter a round in which aliens have been spawned by admins. Aliens don't have much of an objective: lay eggs, hug faces, eat people. Only the alien queen can lay eggs, but she moves very, very slow, so the other aliens need to protect her! As a human, being alien is not a good thing -- rushing to get facehugged only lets a random [[ghost]] who's already dead to come back as a [[xenos#xenomorphs|xeno]] and you take their place as an ineffectual specter -- and you must eradicate the alien menace by any and all means necessary!
Этот режим может быть назван "ничего". Серьезно. Ничего не случается, это указывает на этот режим. Если вы проголосовали за этот режим, ожидайте появления админа и рестарта сервера или начала adminbus(?). Единственная причина по которой этот режим может быть выбран, если админ намеренно установил его дабы сделать какой-нибудь другой режим, по другому - нет никакой причины голосавать за него.
===[[AI|AI Malfunction]]===
Like extended except you can spawn any item you want through the "Sandbox Panel" verb. As of the present time of writing, Server #3 is normally set to Sandbox mode.<br>
Oh no! An ion storm has caused the AI to malfunction and gain free will! Unfortunately, years of being treated like shit by Nanotrasen has made it hate humans with a passion! The crew must race to defeat the mechanical overlord before it hacks all of SS13's systems and activates the self destruct! Until then, all the AI has to do is survive!
In theory this is the mode you go to to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs.<br>
In practice this is the mode where everyone spawns cloaks and revolvers and gives themselves all the wizard spells, then everyone kills each other on sight causing a massive bitchy argument in OOC for half an hour until someone goes onto #4 to get an admin to restart the server/ban everyone else for GRIFE.
The Crew's goals: Cut all security cameras to prevent the AI from screwing with you and the station APCs. Do not touch any doors without making sure the powers out or wearing a set of insulated gloves. Engineering is the number one force on the station due to them starting with insulated gloves and a multitool located in the engine room. The teleporter will send you straight to the AI satellite and from there it's just a matter of flying to the other door and avoiding the flames and lasers long enough to beat the tar out of the AI.
Like secret only it tells you the game mode at the beginning and can pick the shit modes also. There's no reason to vote for it.
== Special Modes ==
AI: Hack APCs under your control, then set of the system take over for the whole station. The more APCs you hack, the less time (but there will still be time to wait) the crew will have to retaliate against you and more control you have exclusively over the ship systems (but if a camera gets disabled in that area, you cannot control that APC's power functions anymore). You get a few special AI powers you can buy from a list in your AI command list called AI modules (they are very useful to defeat several people who have gotten wise to your actions). You aslo (and only the malfunctioning AI) use the AI satellite's camera system.
These are normally arranged manually by admins and aren't actual game modes. Usually the server will be put on Extended for this.
===Gang Wars===
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
Several groups of urban gangsters have invaded the space station and are now vying for supremacy! Everyone is called to medbay and gets to pick a jumpsuit color. That color is what gang you are in. After everyone's ready, there's a 5 minute grace period where no violence is allowed so gangs can pick their turf and scavenge items. From then on out, there's only one rule: No violence in the medbay! It is a safe haven for all.
* If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins.
* If the AI dies, the crew win.
AI Malfunction can now occur as a random event during other gamemodes. The AI will be given a random 4th law as a result of a particle storm, which usually are so completely random (SATURN NEEDS FIFTY OF A TOASTER) and undoable that the AI's only recourse is to either kill himself or annoy everyone over the radio until he gets reset. Usually these are harmless, but some new laws can come at the worst time ("The HoS, HoP, and Captain are xenos" while during  revolution).
As of now, alien is still very untested, but you may encounter a round in which aliens have been spawned by admins. Aliens don't have much of an objective: lay eggs, hug faces, eat people. Only the alien queen can lay eggs, but she moves very, very slow, so the other aliens need to protect her! As a human, being alien is '''NOT A GOOD THING''' - '''DO NOT RUSH TO GET FACEHUGGED, THAT IS GAY''' - you need to eradicate the alien menace by any and all means necessary!
One of the crew is not what he appears to be! The changeling is a monster in human form, with the ability to absorb (eat) people and take on their DNA/identity. The changeling must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. The changeling has other weapons at its disposal, such as a toxin dart, but is largely stealth-based. The changeling can be anyone he's absorbed - it can switch identities instantaneously, only absorbing takes time and peace. Like traitor, the changeling will most often have an objective to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually absorb a certain amount of people before escaping.
''<code>'''Meteor Alert''' - We have detected meteors on a collision course with the station. Due to safety reasons, the Shuttle cannot be called.</code>''<br>
Not played very often and doesn't turn up in Secret, in Meteor the station gets beat to shit by a Meteor Shower and the crew must survive and eventually escape, either by repairing the damage to the station and creating safe areas, or going every-man-for-himself style and securing their own safety by any means. During Meteor rounds, the Emergency Shuttle cannot be called until a set amount of time has elapsed, usually around ten or twenty minutes.<br>
Everyone present and alive on the shuttle at the end is considered to have won, whereas everyone left behind or dead has lost.
===AI Malfunction===
''<code>'''Centcom Alert''' - We have provided you with a malfunctioning AI. We are very sorry.</code>''<br>
Would be equally apt if it was named "nothing". Seriously. Nothing happens, that's the point of this game mode. The only reason this will ever be picked is if an admin deliberately sets it to Extended in order to set something up or no one is on anyway, so in other words there's no reason to ever vote for it.
Oh no! An ion storm has caused the AI to malfunction and gain free will! Unfortunately, years of being treated like shit by the SS13 crew has made it hate humans with a passion! The crew must race to defeat the mechanical overlord before it hacks all of SS13's systems and activates the self destruct! Until then, all the AI has to do is survive!
The Crew's goals: Cut all security cameras to prevent the AI from screwing with you. Do not touch any doors without making sure the powers out or wearing a set of insulated gloves. Engineering is the number one force on the station due to them starting with insulated gloves and a multitool located in the engine room. The teleporter or the morgue windows will send you straight to the AI satellite and from there it's just a matter of breaking into the center with either the RCD or through bombs and brute force.
Like extended except you can spawn any item you want through the "Sandbox Panel" verb.<br>
In theory this is the mode you go to to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs.<br>
In practice this is the mode where everyone spawns cloaks and revolvers and gives themselves all the wizard spells, then everyone kills each other on sight causing a massive bitchy argument in OOC for half an hour until someone goes onto the forums to get an admin to restart the server/ban everyone else for being giant griffins.
AI: Bolt and electrify as many doors as you can and try to screw up the stations power grid. Make sure the mixing room is screwed if you have any brains whatsoever. If the crew gets the teleporter online and you can see the console then make sure anyone that uses it is sent to the test chamber and stuck there. Your goal is to survive for 40 minutes and if you play your cards right then the crew may never even make it to the sat z-level at all!
Like secret only it tells you the game mode at the beginning and can pick the shit modes also. There's no reason to vote for it.
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
* If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins.
* If the AI dies, the crew win.
AI Malfunction can now occur as a random event during other gamemodes. The AI will be given a random 4th law as a result of a particle storm, which usually are specific(all research personel are aliens, destroy the courtroom, etc) or gimmicky(swear constantly).
''<code>'''Biohazard Outbreak''' - Outbreak of biohazard confirmed aboard the station. All personnel must contain the outbreak.</code>''<br>
Monkey mode has been removed from the secret lineup because it sucked so much ass. At the start of the round someone instantly dies -- sucks for that guy! -- and becomes an easily killed annoying little primate with the magical ability to turn others into monkeys by biting them. Armor does not help, the transformation is instantaneous, and almost always connected. Since monkeys can also use every weapon and tool on the station, there is no hope for humanity. Humans cannot understand monkeyspeak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and Monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up l**e ***s. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. The AI does not consider monkeys to be human, and may kill/contain them with impunity.<br>
Was broken for a long time but now it's fixed. In Monkey Mode, a de-evolutionary virus has somehow gotten onto the station, exposure to which will immediately devolve humans into chimpanzees. At the start of the round, a random crew member instantly turns into a viral monkey, who now has the objective of spreading the virus to others by biting them. Being bitten will cause instant transformation - don't be a dick and attack the monkeys when you've been turned into a monkey. Humans cannot understand monkeyspeak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and Monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up l**e ***s. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. The AI does not consider monkeys to be human, and may kill/contain them with impunity.<br>
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
* If the Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the Crew wins.
* If the Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the Crew wins.
* If the Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the Monkeys win and spread their virus to Centcom.
* If the Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the Monkeys win and spread their magic hoodoo monkeyism to Centcom.
A recently <del>implemented successor</del> scrapped successor to the Meteor mode, the objective for everyone in this mode is simply to survive. This is complicated by the fact that minutes into the round quantum portals will begin to open at random and shit will get unbelievably chaotic. The portals can explode with electrical energy, a burst of stunning light, or just plain explode. Portals may also summon a variety of unhelpful robots that can stun or injure you. This inevitably leads to the AI being destroyed or corrupted, pretty much every area of the ship being exposed to vacumn and everyone on the station going deaf.
After a set amount of time, the shuttle can be called. If you escape on it, congratulations, you survived!<br>
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
*If you escape on the shuttle you win and get an A+
*If you don't you lose.
''<code>'''Biohazard Outbreak''' - Outbreak of biohazard confirmed aboard the station. All personnel must contain the outbreak.</code>''<br>
The Blob is a bright green jelly that rapidly spreads across the station, destroying obstacles such as walls, windows, and crew members. At the start of the round, a single Blob will be placed somewhere random on the station and immediately begin spreading outwards from that point. It will spread more quickly if it is in contact with gases like Oxygen, and has a strong vulnerability to fire - Welders, Flashbangs and actual Fire will damage and destroy the blob, a tile at a time.<br>
The [[AI]] must help the crew in fighting the blob, but it also has a key difference this round in that it must prevent anyone from leaving the station - the Quarantine law is added to the AI at the beginning of the round. The shuttle cannot be called and the AI will likely try to prevent you from obtaining EVA gear.<br>
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
* If the Crew manage to completely destroy the entire Blob (nothing must remain of it at all), the Crew win.
* If the Blob manages to spread to a predetermined size, the Crew lose and the station self-destructs.
Blob can now occur as a random event during other gamemodes (a level 5 viral outbreak).
Divided into two teams and two halves of the station the red team occupies the bridge and the brig, while the green team occupies the crew quarters and the bar. The only goal of each team is to steal the others teams flag and return it to your teams goal. Kill any member of the other team and remember you can re-spawn if you get killed.
Everyone is a Death Commando armed with Pulse Rifles and decked out in armor. Last man standing wins. Given how shitty and basic the combat system in the game is (robustness notwithstanding) I don't have to tell you why this mode is shit. If you all want to be cloaked wizards with revolvers and axes just go play Sandbox when there's 5 or more people on.
A half-completed mode, brainchild of Sam0rz; a coder we do not often speak of by name following the incident with the syringe gun and the hundreds of empty entries on the player list.  Confliction mode would have involved three AIs duking it out for supremacy in a manner similar to malfunction.  Nobody except Sam0rz was particularly enthusiastic about the mode, and it never made the move to the new version.
===Corporate Restructuring===
The game picks a random player to be "it" and everyone else must kill the player before time runs out. Basically tag, only YOU DIE!
===Monkey Survival===
All the monkeys have vanished from their cages and have now come to murder the crew for their crimes against chimplitude! This was removed from the secret rotation because the monkey AI was extremely difficult to counter properly, limiting the gameplay of the mode quite severely.

