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< Участник:Urksam
Версия от 15:31, 10 июля 2011; Urksam (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «= '''Песочница''' = =A Guide to Surgery In General= All surgery requires the set of medical tools in the Operating Theatre, along with a table (a surg...»)
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A Guide to Surgery In General

All surgery requires the set of medical tools in the Operating Theatre, along with a table (a surgical table gives no negative results). In general, only medical doctors and the Chief Medical Officer can perform advance surgery.

Sugical Tools

Surgical tools are very hard to get, it is best to keep them in the operating theater and remove the brain of anyone trying to steal the surgical drill. The following are the standard surgical tools most doctors will need:

  • MMI
  • Surgical drill
  • Scalpel
  • Circular saw
  • hemostat
  • cautery

Ghetto Surgery

If you can't find an operating table, have no fear, there are other ways to fix people up. Any table will work! However, you have a 50% per step to horribly fuck up some one rather than actually fix them. Be very careful.

Eye Surgery

Fixing Blindness

Step 1 - Place the patient onto the operating table.

Step 1.5 - Use a tank of anesthetic and a breath mask to make your patient sleep. (Optional)

Step 2 - Aim for the patient's eyes, and cut the skin around them with your scalpel.

Step 3 - Use your retractors to lift up the eyes.

Step 4 - Use your hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.

Step 5 - Use your cautery to seal the wound.

Step 6 - Wake up your patient, congratulate them on their new vision.

Brain Surgery

Ripping out the Grey Matter

Step 1 - Place the patient onto the operating table.

Step 1.5 - Use a tank of anesthetic and a medical mask to make your patient sleep. (Optional)

Step 2 - Aim for the patient's head with your scalpel to cut back the flesh.

Step 3 - Saw the skull open.

Step 4 - Cut the connective tissue with your scalpel.

Step 5 - Cut the spine with your saw.

Step 6 - Deal with the brain, typically by putting it in an MMI and then giving it to a roboticist.

Step 7 - Morgue the body.

Putting a brain back in

Step 1 - Place the patient onto the operating table.

Step 2 - Cram their brain back into their skull

Step 3 - Usually, you take the body to be cloned.