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105 байт добавлено ,  23:09, 16 апреля 2015
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Life was like one of those many-storied houses of dreams where the dreamer, with a slow or sudden rush of understanding like a wash of cool water, knows himself to have been merely asleep and dreaming, to have merely invented the pointless task; the dreamer awakes relieved in his own bed and rises yawning, and has odd adventures, which go on until (with a slow sudden rush of understanding) he awakes in this palace antechamber; and so on and on.
Life was like one of those many-storied houses of dreams where the dreamer, with a slow or sudden rush of understanding like a wash of cool water, knows himself to have been merely asleep and dreaming, to have merely invented the pointless task; the dreamer awakes relieved in his own bed and rises yawning, and has odd adventures, which go on until (with a slow sudden rush of understanding) he awakes in this palace antechamber; and so on and on.
--John Crowley, Little Big
--John Crowley, Little Big
Savefiles are used to store information on the disk. There are two reasons why this is usually done. One is to store information about the world so that it can be shut down and rebooted (possibly with new code). The saved information can then be loaded and the relevant aspects of the world restored to their previous state.
Сейв-файлы используется для записи информации на диск. Делается это, в основном, по двум причинам. Во-первых, это хранение информации о мире, которая сохраняется, а потом может быть загружена вновь. Примером может служить сохранение книг в библиотеке.
Другая причина - хранение информации игроков и о игроках. Сейв-файлы используется для сохранения персонажей игроков, и даже передачи их с сервера на сервер.
Another reason for using savefiles is to store information about players. Such player savefiles may be used to re-create their mobs when they log in or could even be transferred from one world to another along with the player. In this way, a world could be distributed across several servers running in parallel.

