List of Medical Conditions and Symptoms: различия между версиями

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This is a list of symptoms and how to treat them.

List of symptoms

Bleeding and Low Blood Count

Danger: [Depending on severity]
Shows up on Health Analyzer

  • Visibly bleeding wounds.
  • Low blood pressure or circulation.
  • Elevated pulse.
  • Patient feeling woozy, paleness of skin.
  • Drops of blood, or blood puddles near patients.
  • Brain damage while having air and working lungs.


  • Untreated external injuries, arterial bleeding, or donating too much blood. Depending on severity, can cause brain damage, cardiac arrest, and eventual death.


  1. Locate bleeding injuries, either by examining the person or with a Health Analyzer.
  2. If no external bleeding injuries are visible, check for damage to the heart or arterial bleeding.
  3. To stop external bleeding, bandage all wounds you find with gauze or an advanced trauma kit.
  4. Arterial bleeding and heart damage need to be treated surgically.
  5. Bicaridine will close external cuts, eventually stopping any external bleeding.
  6. If the patient's blood circulation is below approximately 85%, administer a blood transfusion.
  7. After all bleeding has been treated, administer further blood transfusions or iron pills and wait for blood level to normalize.

Arterial Bleeding

Shows up on Health Analyzer.

  • Symptoms of low blood volume without visible bleeding.
  • Also referred to as "Internal bleeding" or "IB".

Caused by massive brute damage rupturing a vein or artery within the body.


  • If this condition is encountered, immediately attempt to stabilize the patient by stopping any external bleeding and treating other superficial injuries.
  • A blood transfusion will be necessary in most cases. Monitor blood levels of the patient, transfusing blood before, during, and after surgery if needed.
  • Stasis bags will keep the patient stable during transport and the wait for surgical treatment if blood loss is too severe.
  • Move patient to an advanced medical scanner to find the exact location of injury.
  • Pressure can be applied to the body part with the ruptured artery in order to slow (but not stop) the blood loss. In patient's extremities, splints can be used to apply pressure.
  • Move patient to OR and mend the rupture.

Organ Failure

Shows up on Health Analyzer if more than one organ is damaged.
Note that this does not include damage to the brain or eyes; this is covered elsewhere.

  • Continuous vomiting or dry-heaving, if the liver and kidneys are failing.
  • Low blood circulation despite lack of bleeding, if the heart is failing.
  • Gasping for air and continuous brain damage from suffocation, if the lungs are failing.
  • Recurring pains in the chest or groin.
  • Continuous creation of toxins in the bloodstream.

Caused by toxins in the blood, radiation poisoning, or excessive damage to specific zones of the body.


  • If this condition is encountered, immediately attempt to stabilize the patient by any means necessary. Administer Peridaxon, Alkysine, Dexalin Plus, and Dylovene if possible.
  • Organ failure is one of the most lethal conditions in the game, as it self-perpetuates; injured organs will worsen quickly if not treated immediately, becoming less and less functional as their condition degrades. Once dead or necrotic, they will also continuously output toxins into the bloodstream, causing other organs to rapidly fail as well.
  • Get the patient into the advanced medical scanner as quickly as possible and determine which organs are failing and how severe their condition is.
  • If the organs are not yet necrotic, injected Peridaxon and Dylovene will likely cure the condition, albeit slowly.
  • If the organs have already become necrotic, surgical replacement is the only solution, and must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Place the patient in a stasis bag to keep them stable during transport and the wait for surgical treatment.

Heart Trauma

Danger: [Depending on severity]


  • Lower blood oxygen levels due to blood not being pumped properly by damaged heart. Damage can be caused by severe blunt trauma, stab wounds or fractured ribs.


  1. Blood transfusion if patient has low blood levels too.
  2. Move patient and IV to OR and mend the damage.

Blood Rejection

Danger: [Depending on severity]

  • Toxin damage without foreign chemicals in bloodstream.
  • Unexplained suffocation damage.
  • Patient recently received blood transfusion.

Transfusion of incompatible blood type to the patient.


  • In case it's not obvious, STOP PUMPING THAT BLOOD IN THEM.
  • Administer Dylovene until symptoms stop manifesting.

Collapsed Lung


  • Patient coughs up blood.
  • Patient gasping for air in breathable environment.

Exposure to low or high pressure environments without proper internals set.


  • While waiting for treatment, put the person on an oxygen tank with the pressure turned up. This will allow them to get enough oxygen while they wait for treatment.
  • Mend lung rupture surgically.
  • If no surgeon is available or you have a simple ruptured lung with no bone fractures, administer Peridaxon, keep Dexalin Plus in the patient's system, and wait for the lung to heal. If your patient still has broken bones, the lung can rupture again, and the patient must be kept still to prevent this while you wait for a surgeon.

Bone Fractures

Shows up on Health Analyzer

  • Patient screaming in pain, dropping held items, and falling over.
  • Facial deformities (showing up as Unknown) are often coupled with skull fractures.

Severe brute damage to a specific body part.

  1. Painkillers will numb the pain while patient is waiting for surgery.
  2. In case of skull or rib factures, do not let patient move around, since bone shards can damage internal organs.
  3. Use advanced body scanner to locate fracture locations.
  4. Treat brute damage on broken body part with either gauze or Bicaridine.
  5. Operate on the fracture.
  6. Splints can be used to return some function to the damaged limbs, if treatment is unavailable. Patients with leg and foot fractures can be issued a wheelchair and painkillers. Patients with skull, rib, and pelvic fractures must stay on bed rest, as walking has risk of internal organ injury.



  • No, seriously, the limb is missing upon visual examination.

Common causes are explosions, high-power projectiles, rogue surgeons, sword fights.


  1. Stop bleeding by applying trauma kits. Locations with bleeding will show up on the Health Analyzer.
  2. Administer painkillers; patient is in a world of pain.
  3. Order prosthesis, (cyborg limb), from Robotics lab.
  4. Graft it to the stump.

Embedded Objects

Shows up on Health Analyzer.

  • Visible embedded objects sticking out of patient.
  • Reports of pain when moving.
  • Embedded object shows up when scanning the patient.


  • High-velocity collisions with shrapnel, ballistic munitions and sharp implements.
  • Implants. These may or may not be dangerous, depending on their nature.
  • Parasitic infestation (alien or cortical borer). Your doctor may or may not know of the existence of these creatures, but they can probably guess they are not supposed to be inside the patient.
  • Patient ate or was fed a monkey cube.


  1. Immobilize patient. User a roller bed or grab and carry the patient for transportation.
  2. Move patient to an advanced body scanner and locate the embedded object.
  3. Surgically remove the embedded object.

Bacterial Infection

Danger: [Progresses if left untreated]
Shows up on Health Analyzer.

  • Toxin damage without foreign chemicals in bloodstream.
  • Visible inflamed wounds.
  • Damage to internal organs without external wounds.
  • High body temperature.


  • Untreated severe open wounds and burns.
  • Surgery performed without proper sterile technique.


  1. Locate infected wound by examining patient.
  2. Treat infected area with ointment.
  3. Administer 5 units of spaceacillin to stop the infection from worsening.
    • If left untreated, the infection will worsen.
    • Moving the patient to cryogenics will also stop progression of the infection.
  4. Administer Dylovene until symptoms stop manifesting.
  5. Keep spaceacillin in the patient's system and monitor their body temperature until it normalizes.
  6. Check for organ damage once the patient has recovered.

Viral Infection
Danger: [Depending on severity]
Shows up on Health Analyzer (Only if virus has been analysed)

  • Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, hallucinations, twitching, urges to eat, feeling pale, are all symptoms of various diseases.
  • High and/or rising body temperature.
  • Symptoms manifesting despite taking cold medicine suggest more serious virus.

Viral infection, which can spread quickly from crew member to crew member.


  • In most cases, cold medicine should be enough to suppress symptoms and send them off.
  • Quarantine all infected crew members. If it's not very dangerous, let them free with a mask and or internals to avoid spreading it.
  • Administer spaceacillin to slow disease progress. Can cure disease at early stages, but does not give immunity to relapse. Be aware it damages immune system though.
  • Cure the disease in virology. Check that guide for more info about immune system. too


Danger: [Depending on stage]
Shows up on Health Analyzer.

  • Toxin damage without foreign chemicals in bloodstream.
  • Patient experiences abdominal pains.
  • Uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Coughing.

Sepsis caused by inflamed appendix.


  1. Confirm that it is indeed appendicitis with health analyzer.
  2. Remove inflamed appendix in surgery.
  3. Treat toxin damage.



  • Slurring, confused movement.
  • Hallucinations. Hallucination damage.
  • Uncontrollable drooling, twitching.
  • Possible toxin damage, or direct damage to liver.

Variety of substances, ranging from alcohol to illicit drugs.

Treatment depends on substance.

  • Let them sleep it off.
  • In case of emergency administer Ethylredoxrazine or dialysis in a sleeper.
  • Treat toxin damage.
  • Check for liver damage.


  • Sedate patient to prevent him from hurting himself and healing hallucinatory damage.
  • Administer 30 units of Dylovene and 1 unit of Synaptizine. Synaptizine is poisonous and must always be combined with Dylovene.

Radiation Sickness

Danger: [Depending on severity]

  • Patient is feeling weak, passes out.
  • Steady increasing toxic damage that returns when treated.
  • Hair loss.
  • Radiation level is visible on the handheld and full-body scanners.


  • Patient has been exposed to experimental equipment, radioactive substances or objects, or the engine.
  • The supermatter has gone critical. In this case, patients will also have hallucinations.


  • Administer Dylovene to help staving off the organ failure.
  • Administer Hyronalin or Arithrazine if possible. Arithrazine causes mild brute and burn damage, which will heal on its own unless your patient has a cybernetic limb.
  • Patient might have organ damage from radiation. Administer Peridaxon or operate.
  • Patients with genetic damage should be treated in cryo tubes.

Genetic Defects


  • Highly varied, and differ depending on defect. With often only one or two of the following appearing:
  • Seizures, random swearing, non-drug-induced hallucinations.

DNA defects acquired either from radiation exposure, cloning errors, or geneticists preforming experimentation.


  • Ask a Chemist for Ryetalyn. One unit is enough.
  • Treat other symptoms, (broken bones, toxin damage), as you would normally.

Brain Damage

Danger: [Depending on severity]
Shows up on Health Analyzer

  • Concussion, in minor cases.
  • Headaches, impaired vision.
  • Impaired motor ability, with both arms and legs.

Head trauma, some chemicals, diseases, low effective blood count, toxins, suffocation.


  1. Fix the cause - refill blood, get them air.
  2. Very low damage can heal on its own with time.
  3. Administer Alkysine. This is only effective with high blood circulation.
  4. If that does not help, could be a brain hematoma, and operation is needed.

Facial Deformation


  • Patient's face damaged beyond recognition.
  • Patient's vocal cords distorted.
  • Patient shows up as "Unknown" despite having an ID.

Blunt head trauma, acid exposure, high temperatures exposure.


  1. Reconstruct face and vocal cords surgically.

Joint Dislocation


  • Patient can't use a limb, but it's not necrotic.
  • Patient's limb is bulging/crooked oddly.

Blunt trauma, certain high-level kung fu techniques.


  1. Set the dislocated joint. Some painkillers would be nice, as it is quite painful procedure. It can be done with Undislocate Joint verb when standing next to the patient.



  • Patient is unable to hear speech.
  • Patient was recently near sites of explosions.

Concussion, DNA defects


  1. In case it was caused by concussion, it will pass with time.
  2. If it was caused by DNA defect, treat with Ryetalyn.

Impaired Vision


  • Patient is unable to see far away objects, objects appear blurred.
  • In severe cases, patient's pupils do not react to penlight.

Eye trauma, bright light, DNA defects


  • Treat genetic defects with Ryetalyn.
  • In case of impaired vision, administer Imidazoline.
  • In case of complete blindness, repairing the retinas of the eye will help.


Danger: negligible

  • Headache.


  • Minor brain damage.
  • Eye damage.
  • Blurry vision.


  • Administer Alkysine or Tramadol.
  • Treat the underlying brain damage or eye damage.


Danger: ✜

  • Patient's head is detached from the body.
  • There is no head attached to the patient's body.

Same as with missing limbs, with maybe more explosions.

If you only have a torso without the head, not much can be done (ethically). Help yourself to their organs and blood if other people need them and you don't care about pesky ethics.

If you have a head, they're still dead for good, but there's more you can do.

  1. Extract neural lace for future relacing.
  2. If their medical recods request so, extract brain and give to Robotics for cyborgification.

See also

Guide to Medicine